Kanekoa, your curiosity is going to be the death of these election cheaters. Great work, toko!

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Mahalo my bradah!

We all just want a better life for the next generation.


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Poll watched yesterday and was not allowed to see a thing, this was my 1st poll watch. They have it down Pat. Some of the poll workers said they were there for 30 years. It’s organized crime. I thought poll workers were also volunteers. Most are just doing what they are told, no questions asked. A well oiled machine. I was so wrong. Now it all making sense. This was a great report!

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can you post their well oiled machine and how you were blocked? THAT needs to be shared with all, especially on Gab with @ColdWarrior who established the Precinct Strategy. If on Gab, and you post it, please add me and I will share it too. THANKS!

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my Poll Watcher Experience:


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The security violation on the page you are seeing is consistent with a potential SSL certificate on the server being expired. If you click on the "Advanced" button you will be provided with the actual error condition. If it is an expired certificate you will likely see an option to proceed at your own risk to the server. That will bypass the error condition and take you to the page. It is not uncommon to see expired SSL certificates for servers that are not regularly maintained. Whether it is a self signed certificate or a paid for certificate they all have expiration dates.

Something to keep in mind regarding sending text to sites that limit the amount of text you can send a one time. If you can derive the max number of characters allowed for a single submission you could send your entire document in chunks. Say you have 100 total characters and each submission allows only 20 characters. You can label the submission as 1 of 5 and then submit the first 20 characters. You can continue with 2 of 5 and submit the second set of characters and so on until the entire text has been submitted. It is tedious but it is one way around the limit of the system. You do have to label them because there is no guaranteed order of receiving the submissions. This allows the intended recipient to be able to concatenated the text properly once all is received.

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You might try making the fonts small.

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How many characters does gab allow you? The report I wrote is quite long, pages, I touched on several aspects. I cannot successfully reduce it to a couple hundred characters. Maybe I can get in touch another way w/cold warrior. I saw Ron DeSantis announcement tonight on new elec integrity dept but looks like I have to snail mail. Would like advice. Will look into both in am. Thankyou!

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I have tried to reply to your post with my write up and my write up is too long. The error message does not tell me how many characters I am allowed. It also did not insert the image I had drawn of the room. I have reported a portion of this info to one outlet. I have since added the drawing so maybe I do more to get it out. I am not real social media savvy though I am on several, but Gab is not one I am on presently, : -(

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Can you coordinate with other disenfranchised poll workers and go to your Sheriff? Or your local GOP Rep? Were you able to video it?

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I was a poll worker (ballot judge) in Pinal County, AZ for the 2022 primary. We had the wrong poll book iPad for our precinct, among numerous problems that occurred that day. One thing interesting in your article is that you mentioned Konnech is involved in selecting poll locations. The address for voters in my precinct was a new poll location at an abandoned school. The address that was given to voters was incorrect because the location had numerous entrances. The entrance to vote was given as a different street altogether. We had many angry voters who said they had difficulty finding us.

We handmade signs after a voter returned with poster board, markers, and tape. We put them up at the other entrances. I hope that helped people find us. That was but one of the issues, though. The county did nothing to help us with the problems we had.

We did not run out of ballots, but people came to our precinct from other locations where they had been turned away because they had run out of ballots. This was in the early afternoon. We ended the night with 83 extra Republican ballots. It was absolutely ridiculous.

The county had misprinted the ballots, so we had a supplemental ballot for the municipal races to correct the error. However, the incorrect poll book iPad we got was supposed to be for those ballots and we couldn’t confirm anyone was eligible to vote, so every single voter had to vote a provisional ballot for the municipal races. It took so long. People were very angry, and some people who had come to vote during lunchtime left when they saw the line at the provisional ballot desk.

Our inspector did a great job trying the best he could to overcome the issues as he encountered them. But, most of it was beyond his control to fix. (Sorry for the tome. I hope any of this is helpful to you.) Thank you for your great work. I always know it’s going to be well researched and professionally presented.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

This is completely unacceptable and that monster Katie Hobbs needs to be exposed for what a horrific job she has done. Go to Kari Lakes campaign with this information, I'm sure they would LOVE to have it!!!

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I did post it to my Truth account, to Facebook, and to Kari Lake's account. I'm sure she's super busy with so many things, but I wanted to get the word out in case anyone wanted to talk to me about it.

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I have NO DOUBT it was done by design. You have to think like a criminal when you are examining results of their actions. Most likely NOT a Horrific Job, more like a PERFECT HEIST!

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Let me guess, your polling precinct is predominantly republican?

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

So how many companies provide those services for elections and have similar connections to the CCP?

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

If you want to see something interesting... :-) Have you looked at the fact that Konnech recently "March 2022" lost a contract in Tarrant County because...

"During contract negotiations with Konnech, Inc., inconsistencies were discovered... ...There was also a discrepancy in their RFP response regarding where the solution would be hosted. Konnech, Inc. stated they would be utilizing the Microsoft Azure cloud solution in their RFP response, but after discussing their architecture further with them, we discovered the solution will be hosted from their datacenter/co-location facility rather than the Microsoft Azure cloud. Elections Administration, Information Technology, and Purchasing agreed that an award recommendation to Konnech, Inc. would not be in the best interest of the County, so negotiations with Konnech, Inc. were terminated."

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Thanks from Texas

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You can find this fairly easily on google. If you want me to send you the procurement documents email me an newanonsc@protonmail.com

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How do we find out if Konnech/Pollchief is usedin our county?

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

It is so circumstantially curious that “Konnech Inc., an American election technology company founded in 2002” would hire all these Chinese nationals to design our election management system. 🤔

Stunning really.

I’m sure we will be seeing more from you on this.

I can help but wonder how all these election management systems built by foreign nationals might be manipulated by both internal and external means.

I pray we get to the bottom of this and expose it!!

Mahalo friend. 🙏🏽♥️🌺

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I took the poll watcher/challenger training classes for the first time this year and thought it left much to be desired. Now I know why. First it was hard to even find a class being offered in my area. Then the first class offered we were told was not offered by an accredited person so had to find another class. Came away from it with a very dissatisfied feeling. It did not really explain anything fully. Or give good examples of what to look for.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

They dealt with Los Angeles County also. The other day I noticed there was a court case (Los Angeles County Superior Court Case 22STCV18244, Los Angeles County vs. Konnech, Inc. et al. filed on June 3, 2022). I cannot find it online now, but there wasn't much info about it since the court date was set for 10/4/2022. Does anyone know if it is related to their election contract with L.A.?

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I'm a dope for responding to my own comment, but while I was trying to determine if the hearing happened today, I saw the Los Angeles County press release that they arrested the owner. Hmmm.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Great work! I am 99% sure the Confucius center at Michigan State University has been closed. The MSU web page for centers and institutes no longer has a listing for it.

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I believe you are right.

If I remember correctly, President Trump used the threat of pulling federal funding to close many of the Confucius Centers around the country.

Thank you for your support!!

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How is this NOT disturbing to US media outlets?

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Ohhhhh, it’s no biggie! Besides, they have only so much time to discuss the lineup on “Dancing with the Stars”. PRIORITIES, man!

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Wow, thanks. Another layer of the criminal Corporatocracy which thinks they can own the world. Hopefully it will be an epic fall from Grace.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

A quick note on Wang Xiang education in China. That university is one of the "7 sons of defense". There are 7 universities that are tied closely to the PLA. Also take note of his NUAA 3rd place finish in software development competition which is described on his Linkin webpage.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you for all you do to keep us informed 😊 have an awesome day

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I wonder what happened to Nick Moseder's rumble video on Konnech.

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I saw Nick posted a locals video where he says he pulled back on this reporting and is now referring people to this substack posting https://cognitivecarbon.substack.com/p/mongodb-what-is-it-and-how-did-it?sd=pf

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Follow the money. Interesting stuff about Konnech. So, that company established it's headquarters in East Lansing in '21, with worldwide aims in mind. Where were they headquartered prior to that? They got at least 1 grant from MI Business Development Program (performance based grant). Leasing land from MSU Park. Getting funds from Capitol Area MI Works (needed to identify and retain talent). Other connections/possible grants from: MI Strategic Fund, the MSU Foundation, Lansing Economic Area Partnership, Lansing Community College (Business and Community Institute), and CAMW (haven't checked that). Looks like they're growing by leaps and bounds! With help from grants and possibly c19 $. Need to look in other states for this business development aspect. If they're a problem now, it's only going to get worse. Can anyone with better resources than a phone look into this?

From, MI Economic Development Corporation 12/2021《press releases

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