Well referenced Substack post! Thank you!

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Thanks brotha! I added your substack under my recommendations. Look forward to keeping up with your post!

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Much appreciated, toko! 🙏🏽

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All this is from some Twilight Zone episode.

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They used algorithms to divide the world into information bubbles destroying any unified consensus on objective reality.

And here we are, in a post-truth world, where the facts are all out in the open, but division and corruption protect this treasonous crime family from being charged.

At least, it feels like some pressure is finally being applied and there is a push to expose these traitors.

Appreciate your support, sir!

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Great piece, TF. When they call it the Biden Crime Family, they are understating the case. Treasonous pond scum.

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Man, we went for dirt cheap.

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Punishable by ?

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Projection. Doing with China what they accused and fabricated what Trump was doing with Russia.

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Nicely done. This by itself should open a treason investigation against the entire family.

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Excellent info. Thank you for your hard work!

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The proof is there, put all the laptop out there! Biden crime family are doing China now Saudi soil begging for oil when all we have to do is drill our own!

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Marcopolo.com is releasing everything from the laptop. Getting our corrupt gov to do anything about it is the problem.

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Marcopolo.com is releasing everything from the laptop. Getting our corrupt gov to do anything about it is the problem.

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Hunter has been heard numerous times ending messages with I love you dad, but dad never talks to him about his business dealings 💩

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It is well known that the project started in the US and then exported to Wuhan for completion. This was a joint project.

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Excellent. Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep supporting it.

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There can be no question that the Bidens are corrupt. But the anti-China propaganda embedded in Carlson’s rant is ridiculous. China is a global competitor, but it is not an enemy. Most of the accusations are about giving China things. China, like any other nation, acts in ways that benefit their nation. A lot of US jobs went to China because the US made that profitable for industry.

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"China is a global competitor" - If only that were true. Competition demands a fair playing field. Chinese labor is near slave labor with workers in dormitories. The better workers are offered education opportunists and are selected into the middle classes. State sponsored and funded companies use predatory pricing to remove effective alternatives. Market distortions of mercantile trade are common. Outside investors do make a lot of money and consumers benefit until market share is complete and competition forced out. Prices on critical items can then be increased over time. Sadly tariffs are the only way to level the field.

But Chinese military aspirations are now obvious. While the US has expended it's treasury since WW2 acting as a world's cop particularly over open seas, the Chinese see that as a threat to taking general control over others. Chinese 'loans' turn into facility grabs to control supply lines. The Chinese aim to dominate.

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Decertify the stolen 2020 election and remove the traitorous bastard immediately!

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Did I see that Hunter B owed the IRS $2M for back taxes in a quiet headline?

Then I see it was paid. Another tiny 'headline'.

I started thinking... always dangerous...

First, it's chump change after listening to these numbers.

Who REALLY paid it?

Didn't the Feds get Al Capone for such high crimes & misdemeanors?

Aren't we a nation of laws?

I hope to wake up one day (soon) to find ALL the dots connected and if the criminals are not in jail at LEAST CHARGED for such misdemeanors like treason, sedition bribery etc.

Meanwhile, the Tucker C's and podcasters of the world continue 'exposing' their shenanigans over and over and over.


As uncle Jed used to say, 'pitiful.'

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Orange man lets a fart go: "Impeach him! And once more!"

Biden crime family habitually commits high treason: ... chirp chirp ...

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