The most comprehensive article I’ve found so far.

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Thank you! 🙏❤

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Well done!! Sharing far and wide.

Just stunning what has been kept hidden.

Keep up your stellar work!!!! Mahalo!!🙏🏽❤️🌺

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God Bless Sigrun 🙏❤

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Dear Kanekoa The Great, I am interested in knowing more about you. Why? I am a resident of Hawaii, on the Big Island & from what I understand, you live in Hawaii too. Yes? You definitely have a clear & powerful voice & your writings resonate with the truth. I believe you have much to give to this great country.

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Outstanding! Best I’ve seen at outlining this information in terms that are clear, concise and easily understood. A must read for all.

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I hope my unrequited pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister will read this "briefing" which I sent him.

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Good luck, sir.

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Hang them high!

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Hello, just subscribed with a monthly contribution along with Emerald Robinson and Brian Cates, we need to support our new news media who tell us the truth! I am glad to have seen this show up on your Telegram and I would like you to continue parsing out sections for the next several weeks, it helps us to tell others. I mean the whole article in Word is 46-47 pages with over 4000 words! Quite a work indeed, thank you. Now the one nagging thing is the RRR vs. ARR word dance, my little brain cell still doesn't quite grasp it, so here is my question: In general, amongst all age groups, the fatality rate for a group was 99.9975 of getting covid and surviving right? So does this RRR of 0.84 mean to view in this manner: 99.9975 - 0.84 = 99.1575 ? ? ? So they want and force and demand and coerce to get an experimental drug, with no animal tests, no safety data available and so forth to lower my risk of death from covid from 99.9975 to only 99.1575?

It that what it means? And also for even better reference, what are odds of dying from the flu,how does that compare here? I suppose I want the public to realize how totally ridiculous this has been and then realize how diabolical and heinous it has been.

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Can you please edit to include the videos which are now labeled "this video does not exist".

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Having looked at how the propaganda around covid-19 has been shaped, it can be clearly demonstrated that covid-19 public messaging has been using an aggressive combination of advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming and "Nudge Theory" to shape the public messaging. They have been directly targeting what social engineers call "automatic motivations" i.e. the unconscious mind, in order to not only change people's beliefs and behavior without their conscious knowledge, but also steering and directing their unconscious minds, effectively using mass hypnosis.

This was published by a Canadian intel website: "MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming."


Thanks for your work!



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The video is not working/gone.

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This is really great stuff and is well put together. My only comment would be to take the absolute risk reduction and add in information for NNT (number needed to treat). I noticed in the comments that people seem a bit lost in the interpretation of absolute risk, while the NNT provides a bit more clarity. With the 0.88%, the NNT would be 113 (NNT=1/absolute risk), which means that 113 would need to get the jab in order to see a benefit that wouldn't occur in the placebo group. For reference, an NNT of <25 is deemed to be good, while anything lower should have further testing consideration. Of course, the closer you get to 1, the better.

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Did you bother to normalize your "adverse reaction" data for age, gender, ethnic and existing medical conditions? If not or if that wasn't attainable from what Pfizer provided then, I'm sorry, but your conclusions are, at best, no better than theirs.

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The 78% adverse event rate seems very very high. Where can we find more evidence on this?

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I agree that it no longer serves the purpose when they unblind the treatment and placebo group, and the test population to the actual rollout for children/young adult/older population seems to be uncalled for, especially where some countries made it to be mandatory for even daily essential activities.

I went to check on the 2 reports, namely Thomas et al 2020 (https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577?articleTools=true) and Thomas et al 2021( https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345?articleTools=true) and I think that the part on adverse/severe event may need some redefinition. That said, adverse event such as heart inflammation/failure (non mild to moderate fever symptoms/mild swelling) should be included and not reclassified into a non-direct event when it is least, non direct and at worst, direct. The lack of biomarkers testing is also a huge lapse.

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This is a great post, thank you...nicely organized and easy to understanding, even for liberal arts majors like me. I'm sharing and using it.

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Not well done. Don't try to tell me only 0.88% of the general population has ever had COVID. That would make natural immunity nearly undetectable. Rewrite and republish with an apology for the grossly misleading original.

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The 0.88% number refers to the specific testing phase. Remember, these are Pfizer's numbers, not the author's. And remember, too, that the testing was performed during the Alpha covid period, before the more infectious variants appeared.

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You misread, they are showing the numbers in the placebo group.

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I got it at the end of February, 2020. Are you saying I'm in an exceptional 0.88% ever getting it before more infectious variants appeared? Even taken to mean getting it in a very short time window, that should have been made clear, as well as how trial candidates with natural immunity were treated.

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The 0.88% is the amount of people in the placebo group who were infected with Covid-19 during the first two months of the Pfizer clinical trial. Pfizer did not allow people with natural immunity to participate in their clinical trial.

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Jan 4, 2022
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I'd be interested in seeing updated number from Pfizer...Wonder if they were even done? PF knows it's sliding to third base here, and maybe thinks it can go further without proper testing. It w obvious that they don't care who dies or is injured...Even children.

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Quite the indictment, well done. Until the FDA can be forced into court or Congressional hearings beyond the FOIA we won't know who inside is personally responsible for allowing Pfizer cheating. Jan, 2023 can't come soon enough. In between there will be resignations. Hopefully they made enough on early stock trades to be comfortable.

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