Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Wow! What an incredible deep dive into information about our most secure 2020 election in U.S. History! Thank you for all your diligence and hard work!

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Turn the Voting Machines into Prison Bars

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Once again you have made the difficult connections to Chinese companies. That is not an easy task. I wonder if any of these companies can be found on the US sanction list.

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Or even more damning, I wonder if any of these companies used to be found on the US sanction list two years ago.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I’m overwhelmed and astonished with your research here. Honestly, the first time I saw your research was on TS. What a deep dive you took on this and followed the trail of where this all leads back. Connecting the dots here for us! Thank you for your determination to expose the corrupt CCP!

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you for you research! Mind blowing how much of a hold China has on our country!

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I own a tech company and I was contacted by a Chinese company wanting me to work for them. They wouldn't leave me alone. During the Obama years. Incredible and ridiculous pay. They claimed they (the Chinese Company) needed English speaking business people. I had mistakenly just posted my profile on LinkedIn and then was targeted relentlessly. If I had not been so busy with my business I would have reported it. But report to who? Now, after seeing the election disaster it was my DUTY to investigate!! But I did not, thinking it was someone else's job. I have learned it was MY job, as an American to do something. I will never be lackadaisical. I see now why Trump and the Military did not step in, Americans needed to LEARN the hard way!!!

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Michael Pittman, same guy that works for Konech and owns Connection Solution Group, a wireless company. Same guy? Founder of LinkedIn?

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Your putting the puzzle together better than any other right now. From a patriot. GOOD JOB. 🇺🇸⚓️⚔️

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Thank you again for these posts. Really important.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

It’s ironic that democratic free nations are depending on Chinese software and developers to help with elections that they would never experience in their homeland.

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Not so ironic, given what we've learned.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Great work. You’ve successfully researched and published a lot of connections to a foreign entity controlling the software and data base to U.S. elections. Is there a connection, pun intended, to the Dominion machines or other software used in U.S. elections? This has to be “sold” to the U.S. electorate as “foreign interference”, thus, connecting these dots would illustrate just how our election was stolen. Furthermore, the obvious connections to the puppetry of Biden, this would also connect the deep state to the interference of the 2020 election. It’s assumed in your work, but I’ve not seen this publish yet. Thanks a million.

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Wonder if there is a connection to AWS, Google, Twitter, Apple, etc? Nah! Couldn’t possibly be. I must be falling into conspiracy theorizing.

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you know it to be true. there are no conspiracies.

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No conspiracies just truth to be ignored. Of course it is true. No conspiracies, no accidents, no coincidences.

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Everything is connected

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Absolutely stunning! This had to be extremely time consuming, but what an incredible find! You have no idea how much your work is appreciated, by all of us truthers!

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Incredible. Sick to my stomach. No more machines. Hand count. No mail in. One day voting holiday. In person vote with ID. Go, go, go citizen journalists!! Patriots are on a mission. Spread the word. This is the straw that broke the camels back. God bless you, KanekoaTheGreat.

I own a tech company and I was contacted by a Chinese company wanting me to work for them. They wouldn't leave me alone. During the Obama years. Incredible and ridiculous pay. They claimed they (the Chinese Company) needed English speaking business people. I had mistakenly just posted my profile on LinkedIn and then was targeted relentlessly. If I had not been so busy with my business I would have reported it. But report to who? Now, after seeing the election disaster it was my DUTY to investigate!! But I did not, thinking it was someone else's job and that our "Government" would stop it. I have learned it was MY job, as an American to do something. I will never be lackadaisical, again. I see now why Trump and the Military did not step in, Americans needed to LEARN the hard way!!!

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Wow. The research is outstanding, down to hiring ads for Chinese nationals. It is mind-boggling and horrific. One wonders what the FBI and CIA have to do with preventing it or enabling it? Thank you!

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Safe to say these alphabet agencies are deep in it and have been since their inceptions. Enable it? They likely invented it. Outsourcing is their specialty.

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That most likely true. I know the CIA is responsible setting back art by centuries with their horrendous and unethical propelling Abstract Expressionism. Starting in the late 1940’s they mastered funneling taxpayer money through foundations up to four layers deep. Then people like David Rockefeller would lend his name and MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, giving credibility to artists like Jackson Pollock, the drip painter. It would appear that Rockefeller and friends were backing this new movement with their cash, instead of making bundles through the CIA. The CIA managed to destroy trust in cultural institutions, turn directors into hoes, and destroy the study of art (composition, anatomy, color theory, and etc.) in Universities from about the 1970’s, to this day Yale and Harvard have pathetic fine art departments.

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Yes, it is very ingrained in our culture. Goes way back.

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Yeah, all the way to the cowboy shows on TV.

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Your comment made me “hear” the tune to Jeopardy.

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Why you say that. Now I got that tic toc tune in my head now.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Wow KtG! Great work! thank you.

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Wow. Awesome researching. Thank you!

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OMG. It looks like our whole Country, plus Australia and Canada are being run by China. I wonder what part.....it looks to me like China is having it's own problems with the Cabal,....in the form of the CCP. There were rumors that the CCP was trying to remove General Xi. I didn't realize that China has the same problems we have with the Globalists, but I should not have been surprised,....I think every Country that uses the DEBT SCAM Petro Dollar is controlled by them. Well, we now know how our Elections only put in people the Globalists want in. I think this has been going on a lot longer than just that Company though,....since the end of WW2 they have been infiltrating and running elections in many countries.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Kanekoa


Incredible piece of research; this is gold. I can imagine the amount of unraveling that will result identifying involved criminals.

Given the amount of data the company collects would it also include the names and contact information of poll workers? This creepy.

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An incredible narrative of the web being spun as we speak and witness. Insidious invasion currently supported at the Federal level by US government and current administration. The big guy & h have got this covered. If you think h is rolling with chinese hose in the laptop, they aren't hose. They are all compromised.


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“Give us liberty or give us death.”

“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful tyranny” T. Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorites. Wouldn't you like to get his take on 'current events '?

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Yes, for certain. I know Jefferson and associates understood tyranny and how insidious it is. They would be horrified how deeply it has insinuated itself into their ancestors lives. Someone with the imagination might invoke Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Henry, Dorr and historical Sons of Liberty members to speak.

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You may have hit upon an idea. Channeling Founding Father's to 'current events '. OpEd of course.

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