Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

This whole COVID-19 operation was sick and twisted. The people behind it, pushing it, knew all along that this would be the outcome.

Will they be held accountable? I don't believe so. I also don't believe they would have tried this -- if they didn't already know that they could get away with it.

That's why everything was compartmentalized, and directed through "consensus" CDC, and the FDA. There's no single person to pin this down on.

In the end, a lot of people will die, and nothing will be done to those who perpetuated it.

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And the deaths won’t be counted as murders.

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That's right! That's also why they had the CDC create nonsense death statistics when it came to COVID. There were two main reasons for this.

1. To scare the hell out of the general public with death statistics. "Go get vaccinated!"

2. They know that the data won't hold up under scrutiny, giving themselves plausible deniability.

You know this to be the case now because of SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome." That's code word for vaccine related death. But it won't be counted as such, and that's also be design.

All of this was orchestrated and well thought out. It was executed by very evil, but also very smart, people.

The only reason that more people weren't injected with the mRNA poison, was because of their own curiosity, and the few doctors and scientists who managed to poke through the CENSORSHIP and got the word out!

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Well said …. Evidence


If they are not hung then

Justice is not served

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I hope your wrong !!!!

I am of the mindset they will

We know who they are

Evidence is ample

Now it is a matter of Will

Will we have the balls the

Grit the determination to carry out


They many deserve to be hanged

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Maybe. Catholic Church, A true Pope, the Great Catholic Monarch, the Mother of God have not weighed in

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While I agree with you, I’m surprised you presumably don’t see what I see. The entire event was cooked up over 25y in its generalities, in 2009 (Swine flu pandemic”) to test & operationalise PCR mass testing (I think that was wholly a fake pandemic) & in 2019 (Event 201) to run a dress rehearsal of the PsyOps, props, authoritarianism, Media & Tech interfaces etc.

I am well aware I’ve got myself in trouble by doubting there really being a new illness (mostly because the US all causes mortality data apparently do not support that at all) I ask people to be open to the possibility.

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Dr. Yeadon, you didn't get yourself in trouble with me. You expressed your views. I'm not a cult member.

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Thank you, John.

Some people did lose their ****

Really surprised me. It’s just an opinion.

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Don't ever thank me, Dr. Yeadon.

You and about 15 others kept me going Sp, Summer2020...

My Dad said Voice of America announcer stepped on Russian soil... And the Russian crowd showed their deep gratitude.

It was hard living in Russia in 1950s.

This is 2nd time I was totally alone, crying in my garage. You helped immensely.. Knowledge, hope

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If I’ve helped, that means the world to me. I don’t try to monetize what I do. I’m speaking out because I believe free humanity is under the greatest attack in history.

I’m bitter about the impact on my family (& me, to be honest....I had a nice little life). But Joanna, my wife & I have had 40 happy years together, we’ve never been apart & we’ll go out together. We’d turn ourselves in to our maker tomorrow if our children & all children could taste half the freedom we’ve enjoyed.

I used to think health & family were the most important things. I now place freedom above even those. Then family.

So we have kinship, your story of the meaning or symbolism of Voice of America to you & my late in life realisation of the essential nature of freedom. I will not persist in life in its absence. I know that’s in a way an indulgence. We’ve raised our family. What’s done is done.

When I was a lad in industrial midlands England in the 1960s nobody questioned freedom. Poverty & dirt, sure, though we were well fed & we and our neighbors extended families ran around the back streets of Birmingham & Preston, Lancashire. My outstanding memory is of cold dust everywhere. Climbing walls, kicking a ball about, always blackened hands, faces & knees. Little lads wore shorts, and I recall often cutting my knees on the sharp mortar on the walls.

I’m not sure if this is a false memory, but is it possible there were still uncleared bomb sites from 20 years earlier? I don’t know. I couldn’t have been older than 6 or 8 years old.

In the 1970s, the scene was dirty Portsmouth, and I was older. I remember the first time I managed to get a battered radio & steal a lantern battery to run wires into the battery compartment (I didn’t have batteries or money to buy any). My first long listen was the BBC World Service & I would listen late into the night if I couldn’t sleep. I felt a dimly perceived pride that I lived where those broadcasts went out across the world. It never occurred to me that England wouldn’t always be a free country.


Reminds me of my childhood, all the props in the room are incredibly vivid in my mind.

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I came to Dr. Mike late in the game, and was salvaged from doom by Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Peter McCullough.

And they don't all agree. But all were trying to find truth honestly. And realizing that something very sinister was happening.

All we wanted was honest analysis. All we wanted was truth.

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Yeadon on some things, I table it... I got As in high school in science, 40 yrs ago... I did read NY Times science ... It was interesting... Before they went NWO on us

Same with Catholic questions... I table it...

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Dr Yeadon, you’ve heard this from me before: You were the first to make me question this whole charade. This was early on. I can’t thank you enough sir!

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I’m genuinely happy when I hear such feedback.

Seriously, when does an opportunity to do something that could save a life fall at your feet?

“In the long run, we are all dead”, so once said a famous economist, tired of arguing with colleagues about “in the long run”.

Meanwhile, it’s what we choose to be, say & do, that’s all we can ever do.



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People have become quite frustrated and tribal about assessing what happened.

My theory is that human beings do NOT like not knowing how to explain things, and various religions and philosophies arise to fill that gap of simple, "I don't know."

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Event 201 and the Trusted News Initiative did the singularly most damage by ensured for a very long time that reasonable voices were silenced. The TNI puffed up the pandemic creating fear of a pathogen that turns out to be much less serious than planned by 201. We set aside freedoms for safety that actually din't create safety. And of course, none of the politicians did their duty lest they face any criticism of their actions which were actually policy from advisors with an agenda. Any consideration of economic damage or risk/benefit estimates were not demanded by the politicians. Trump really tried, but fell in line due to negative press and maybe fear of another impeachment. What a stupendous waste.

And as we watch the Chinese defer to their maniac, so much more damage.

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In due course I expect the record will show it’s even worse than your good summary, in that I now believe there never was a pandemic of any kind except fear & deliberately misleading PCR.

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Appreciate you doing what a logician must and explore every angle until the pattern makes sense, Dr. Mike. That is the only way that truth and reality can be derived, constant and rigorous cross examination.

100% open to all possibilities, b/c it is clear by now, that the elitest of the elites are still spinning different theories.

ex. GVB, Omicron is dangerous b/c (gets down into the lungs and mutating) , Malone, mehh...

I have no preferred mystery outcome whatsoever except finding out exactly WTF actually happened.

Is it possible that a novel pathogen was released, maybe, just a non-lethal new illness though? Does novel necessarily mean lethal? Thanks if you have time to reply.

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I am willing to accept a new virus which contributed nothing much to all cause mortality.

When I say that, the virus people relax & the no viruses people get upset,

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I know, Dr. Mike. It's tremendously silly how angry and tribal people get over this issue, but that fits my theory that A.) people just don't like not knowing, and B.)hate being lied to.

So into this swirl, you step like Copernicus. 😅 Keep going, but you don't need me to tell you that, it's in your...

::dons sunglasses:


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You misidentified Catholic Church with Vatican II church, and false popes as if they were real popes. You ignored my questions to show true Catholic position. You don't love truth, you don't mind slandering, and you can cancel my membership. Despicable

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Roman Catholicism is a Babylonian Mystery religion masqueraded as Christianity.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" - Galatians 4:16

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To readers: sadly, LIon... Isn't curious.

The Great Apostasy, the takedown of Catholic Church by her enemies which God allowed as a chastisement is an indication that Catholic church is one true faith.

We lost Vatican, institions , and virtually all Catholics lost the faith. Should be interesting, especially WHY?

Whether lioness or anyone wants to investigate isn't my problem. I want to defend Catholic Church, I also want to take away invincible ignorance of anyone who reads this, esp lioness who is pertinacious and extremely lazy spiritually. So at their final judgement they can't whine, I didn't know Catholic Church was Your Church

We are done lioness. Except if I run across your ignorance related to Catholic Church, false poped

Remove my membership

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I did . I pray that The Lord will open your eyes. The truth can be found in The Word of God ONLY

Not in man made religion applies to many other "Christian" denominations as well.


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

If Trump wants a chance at 2024, he better address this sht. Doubt he will though. I guarantee DeSantis will.

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Trump has guilt in this

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He was the first to bring up hydroxychloroquine. Within 10 minutes... all of those complicit... mostly the media , had a cow. Death penalty for them would be too nice.

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Trump did good stuff.

I voted 2x for him.

I just call it like I see it. I don't have many friends. 2 dogs.

My wife and daughters go into separate entrance from me. I get it...

I told my 5sibs with very large audience... Don't fucking kill my nephews and nieces with deathvax. That went over well.

Told my 11 aunts and uncles they were Vatican II heretics and they were getting Very old


I also like my own posts, cuz ill be only one😎

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Hahahahahahahaha!!! Outstanding post sir!!!

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I knew you were extremely smart!

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Thanks I forgot about that !!!

The guy drinks a fish tank and died

And that was that

So there’s another thing.

Basically I read conventional news

Until 1/2 way through first impeachment and everything was

Trump bad trump this that

It got fricken old.

I changed went alternative

Go ahead and vote for a biden

I don’t care

Trump has created a popular wave

That is only going to carry momentum

It ain’t perfect but good lord Biden

Harris Obama they are handing America to WEF on a silver platter

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Agreed but he did not force mandatory vaxxines

And basically he was led down a bad path

Considering that he lost because of the Covid cover of fraudulent ballots


I’d like to see him admit this at least

Acknowledge his mistake

See I used to think trump was a joke

So I went dem to Trump 180 degrees

Trump stopped flights from China

Was considered crazy for doing so

I watched him visit a big pharma

Lab he looked the fool



Trump relied on some bad actors

Fauci birx etc

He ought to fired them

He did stop funding The WHO

he did not start a war

He actually was building the


Economy was kik started

He could actually speak sentences


He is I believe the one president

Not a globalist like




So for those reasons I’ll vote for


Prefer Desantis

Prefer no government at all

I may just become an xpatriot

America has some serious issues

Politicians are not helping

System is corrupt





Trump D - on warp speed

Biden gets a zero grade

Trump love him hate him

He has brought a fighting spirit

To spineless Republicans.

Let he is not guilty cast the first stone

Plenty of guilt to pass around

Trump can be arrogant warp speed

Is disaster

In this they played him

Hoping his next go round he chooses

Better teammates.

We shall see

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Led down wrong path?

This was huge... He doesn't get a pass. He should have gotten many voices, analyzed his advisors.

He's President. He's in charge ...

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I already he fucked up

Vote for your puppet I’ll vote for mine

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Well vote for Biden then

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Don't be childish. I can criticize. Biden is far worse.

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This is the lesser of two evil framework that never stops working its magic on the American voters. Two choices, and they both give you Fauci and Herd Culling Drugs.

Nobody wanted Biden. Trust me, I spent a ton of time dialoguing with the "left", and he was reviled. Biden was the installed choice only after Kamala could achieve ZERO delegates. So the Minders installed Biden into the Propaganda machine and then attached Kamala.

In 2016, people who wanted to drain the swamp with either Trump or Bernie. There was some considerable overlap in those who would vote "ANYTHING BUT ESTABLISHMENT".

Bernie folded up like a cheap suit, and Trump somehow gets in. He gives you Death Shots and is still pushing them up to last December. Still won't address his mistake.

But the Lesser of Two Evils paradigm will keep the masses invested in the Two Party System, and we'l just go on and on and on and never address the Injections and the Deep State.

Amazing. What a system that cannot be beaten.

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They need help understanding Nuremberg code and penalty.

Please share. I need help

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It will be before 2024

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1000% correct. But exactly who will hold them accountable?

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Right there with you. The question is . . . how? We need to come up with a well-organized strategy.

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And now the CDC is trying to sweep their crimes under the rug by relaxing the guidelines. Funny how this happened just 2 days after Denmark BANNED the COVID death shot to all people 18 years and younger. Said the side effects out weigh the benefits. Well if that is true for the children of Denmark then it is true for ALL children EVERYWHERE. The day of reckoning is coming for the criminals that literally are responsible for the death and disability of what will end up being billions of people around the world.

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Held accountable is an English understatement.

Capital punishment.

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Absolutely. It can be nothing else

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As nearly everyone else is asking, but how?

Sternly worded letters and emails don't work, tar and feathers are no longer in vogue and if we start using piano wire and lampposts for justice we have become as bad and more obvious than the criminals.

From my perspective, these and so much more are just symptoms of a larger issue, the silent delegation of responsibility to faceless bureaus of power. Those are what need to be dismantled for there to be any kind of actual improvement. I am no anarchist by any stretch, but their motto of burn it all down is beginning to grow on me.

The challenge and reasonable approach, is for people to stand up, say NO to regulation, programs, great engineered societies and the lies if the equity/save the planet snake oil carnival barkers. Stand up and take responsibility for one's own future. Stand up and deny them the opportunity to be their regular drug addict of consumption. Give the leaches of control the salt they deserve.

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I’m with you.

I’ve never been for violence.

Yet, it’s long been obvious (to me) that EVERY important institution is already corrupted & FUBAR.

There is zero chance we can be rescued by an election or a legal decision.

I believe the evidence shows that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a supranational plan is being executed.

If you had unlimited time & money to prepare a coup d’etat of the world’s democracies, you’d do the same. Leave no exit. You’d nail the fire exits closed, turn off the sprinkler system & drug the security guards.

I think it’s not possible to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

But I do think we have a chance to prevent them getting all the wins.

I don’t have a plan. Why would I? I’m a retired R&D scientist with no knowledge of politics, campaigning, psychology etc & not the slightest interest of facility to do such a thing. To cap it off, though I’m mostly OK, I’m not robust enough.

So if we each work hard to help others see what’s coming, the “how” of resistance will emerge. I truly believe that, If I did not, I would have stopped as soon as I appreciated the scale of their diabolical ambitions.

If the vast majority of readers / watchers choose not to invest extraordinary & persistent efforts to try to wake others up, I don’t see a way to win.

I offer Yeadon’s Wager to help others decide how to act in uncertainty. I think the perpetrators know that most people have a high bar for changing their attitudes, beliefs & behaviours.

The risks of holding the status quo & the risks from acting as if what’s im saying is true are completely unmatched.

If a person acts as if I’m right, and it turns out that I’m wrong, the downside is everyone gets to laugh at me.

If a person adheres to the narrative & it turns out to be wrong, the downside is you’ll lose your liberty as will your children & you’ll probably lose your life, too.

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"But I do think we have a chance to prevent them getting all the wins."

I think it's a good chance, but you're absolutely right to not understate the incredible effort required (collectively, and individually).

My short list of priorities are:

1) Break people free from the propaganda

2) Undermine top-down mechanisms of control

3) Work to help people build resilience

Oddly enough I think time is the one thing that is scarce for both sides at this rate. Thanks to many modern conveniences it's too hard to complete a full-cover-up, but so long as they have power over people the more that can be used to consolidate that power.

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You and Dr. Merritt are most similar to my thinking. This is absolutely A (undeclared) war on civilians

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Same here - I am no anarchist by any stretch, but their motto of burn it all down is beginning to grow on me.

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They are the revolutionaries.

Counter revolutionaries are decent people

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

“Revolution is progressivist and seeks the strengthening of the state; rebellion is reactionary and seeks its disappearance. The revolutionary is a potential government official; the rebel is a reactionary in action.”

Nicolás Gómez Dávila

(I keep trying to ‘like’ your replies but it doesn’t register 😖)

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Actually a ton are showing from you. The check is in the mail Mads

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I hope it’s over a million, I’m struggling 😜

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God bless you, and we'll all meet over pizza, getting to watch Knick early 1970s basketball games😎

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I do love pizza and love 70’s music 🎶, but sadly, I’m a millennial and while I like the little I know about baseball you will have to explain the details and tolerate endless questions 😛. Definitely born in the wrong decade.

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Put simply, Covid-19 was not an epidemiological event, it was a money laundering scheme, a smokscreen for economic/social restructuring towards total control and a massive psychological operation.

Two and a half years later, as bureaucrats and politicians wind down the Covid restrictions in order to quell growing unrest, we can be assured they will insist on retaining the “right” to re-impose them at will.

As long as “new variants lurk right around the corner”, public health bureaucrats and pandemic profiteers can invent the next “health emergency” to impose more shutdowns for any “viral event” that conveniently suits their political and financial aims.

While the Covid propaganda has vanished it is imperative we keep the mountain of lies under scrutiny and continue unveiling the massive corruption that defines the “Covid Era.” This is the only path towards justice and is necessary to defend against future episodes of “pandemic” hysteria.

Ultimately there can be no comprehensive debate and complete understanding of the devastating consequences of the ‘Covid Crisis’ policies without a historical and up-to-date analysis of the Medical Industry’s role in pushing socioeconomic and political agendas which benefit the ruling elites.

It is vital to understand that the public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.

It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, it has become a financial instrument benefiting investors.

‘We the people‘ must also recognize that the Medical Industry has now been fully weaponized as a punitive system designed to process, dehumanize and control every single person in the system. Before our very eyes, we have seen up close how mere biological existence is criminalized by that system.

Though the story of the fradulent "Covid Pandemic" is nearly over, the sorcery that created it has not been exorcised.

The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.

We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists or the medical cartel.

Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.

This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two and a half years are publicly held accountable, prosecuted and imprisoned.

This fight is not over.

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Of all the abjectly pathetic responses from the general public to the Covid Hoax, nothing has been more depressing than their utter refusal to make this same demand.

Yes, it was hell watching these morons march society toward dystopia with their cowardly mask compliance.

Yes, it was heartbreaking seeing them line up to get the death jab.

But still, neither of those moral and psychological failings even compares to the fact that virtually none of the vaccinated, in light of all that has emerged, are aggressively pursing justice for what has been done to them. Most would literally prefer to forget about it, rather than engage in the self-reflection implicit in holding scumbags like Fauci and Gates responsible.

We are not the same as these people.

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Beautiful post. But... Many still believe the narrative. I just talked with 4 shot believer. I told her I'm sorry, become devoted to Sacred Heart of Jesus and 7 Sorrows of Mary because you could soon die

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May the gods punish them to the fullest extent, and allow us to witness their handiwork.

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they will not give up on a passport and digital data to control our behavior, finances, healthcare.

the majority of doctors and healthcare professional organizations submitted their independence to the government. I've never seen anything like it. some of these same doctors though, are declaring they have been duped. they say it in private, but not publicly. hopefully they won't succumb another time to this tyranny.

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What makes you think they won't? We already see how corrupt and/or spineless they are. They have harmed and killed patients save their jobs or income and I don't see them changing. The fact that they speak privately not publicly is disgusting. They sold their souls a long time ago.

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There never was a COVID-19. It was predicated on a fake test to get people into accepting a deadly/disabling gene therapy falsely called a vaccine.

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Hate to break it to you, but unless those of us who are not ultra-wealthy can cobble together about $6 TRILLION (about the amount appropriated as hush money during covid) with which to buy an alternate government, media, court system, etc., which we would need to hold these people accountable (since it's a lead pipe cinch the existing institutions will never do it), there is no way under the sun that any of these criminals will be held accountable. I know I sound pessimistic, but so far, I have not seen anything that could shake that feeling from my bones.

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Trusted individuals will have to start new currencies anyway. Local economies, local governments will emerge.

These bastards could lose everything.. Money, power, interconnected strangledolds, education systems used to indoctrinate, death care systems etc

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I understand what you're saying, but imagine the scale of what would be needed to take these people down. Locally people may be able to survive, but they won't thrive, at least not the way we used to think of thriving. This is end game for globalists, and no matter how many tiny victories we have, it is clear the globalists will win this, and no amount of optimism will change that. They worked on this for DECADES, and we didn't see it coming. All we can do from now on is try to resist the worst of what they're planning for us, but we only will survive in small enclaves. Nothing ever will restore the liberties we lost.

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Decades... Or much longer...early1800s... Some go back further.

You are right on a lit.

I guess that groups who want their grandkids to live are fighting in ways we don't know.

* getting an org chart of these freaks, planning assassinations?

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You're right. I'm talking Catholic prophecy, by many saints over the centuries.

It's not Catholic teaching, even Catholis can reject. But since Fatima, more and more interest on Catholic side as things seem to be tying together.

But failing that, much of what you say is depressingly accurate

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Hyperventilating as I type. 😱Seriously.

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Watch videos of me as a little child, with my puppy... Many says it helps them...here you go...😎


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Haha!You’re adorable. 🐒

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Buck up, you cannot drag this negative energy into the tournament

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Denying reality will be our downfall.

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My 1st post was real one. This was a Big Lebowski quote I use to take edge off.

I am very alarmed at all this... Very depressing. God bless

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“We caught them all” does not apply to election integrity alone…they’re all going down. No way Fauci escapes justice unless he is suicided.

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Never had billions from all countries want most of their leaders, doctors, academics hung.

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