Texas Democrats Paid Homeless Man to Falsify Ballots: Police Body Camera Footage
"Each time I get someone to sign they gave me $200... One day I got like $1200... I did it for like six months... Deborah [Peoples] gave me cash... Stuart [Clegg] gave me cash."

Deborah Peoples is a former Tarrant County Democratic Party chair and two-time candidate for Fort Worth mayor.
After two runs for Fort Worth mayor, Deborah Peoples, 69, is ready for her next chapter as Tarrant County judge.
“I am this unique blend of corporate and community,” Peoples told the Forth Worth Report. “What I bring is not only my wealth of experience, but my ability to problem solve and my commitment to the citizens.”
She is challenging Republican Timothy O’Hare to succeed the retiring Glen Whitley as the highest elected official in Tarrant County.
But there’s one major problem.
Last week, The Gateway Pundit released police body camera footage that shows an officer talking to a homeless man named, Charles Jackson, a felon previously convicted of voter fraud in 2019, who claims Deborah Peoples and her associate Stuart Clegg paid him $200 for every ballot that he fraudulently acquired from elderly voters.
Furthermore, Jackson claims that he filled out ballots “five days a week” for “six months” and that Deborah and Stuart paid him on average “$900 to $1200 a week” in “cash” including “bonuses” and a “moped” for ballots that he voted “all Democrat.”
The footage was released last week, but the corporate media has been completely silent about the video, and Deborah Peoples hasn’t even put out a public statement in response.

Link to the full 11-minute video of Charles Jackson and the police officer talking on January 3, 2020. It was obtained through an open records request courtesy of The Gateway Pundit.
JACKSON: "Each time I get someone to sign they gave me $200."
OFFICER: "To sign the absentee ballot?"
JACKSON: "Yeah, but that wasn't easy though, those people were 65 and older you know."
OFFICER: "How many people you get to sign?"
JACKSON: "One day I got like $1200 in like four hours."
OFFICER: "Did you fill out anything or did you have them fill it out?"
JACKSON: "No, I filled it out while I was talking to them, and then I switched it around, and let them sign it."
OFFICER: "So you voted everyone for them?"
JACKSON: "Yeah, yeah pretty much. You know once you vote one just vote all Democrat... and they wasn't intending to do that."

OFFICER: "How would you get them to sign?"
JACKSON: "I was told to tell them we were just making sure what we got in the system is correct. And they already had the information; they had their name, their kids name, or how old they was, their birthday, their phone number. I would say is this information correct? They said yeah and I said well sign if it's correct. Once they signed then they voted."
OFFICER: “So was that paper ballot or on the computer?”
JACKSON: “Both. Tablet was in my hand and I had paper as well.”
OFFICER: “So then you would take it back to?”
JACKSON: “Stuart Clegg and Deborah Peoples. She was the district Chair for Democratic headquarters.”
OFFICER: “How much money did you make?”
JACKSON: “I did it for like six months man. I had gotten a room at the Echo. Stayed up there for six months... Every day I got someone to sign you know.”
OFFICER: “So in six months’ time how much do you think roughly?”
JACKSON: “I'd say on average at least $900 or $1200 a week. Five days a week.”

In court documents, state prosecutors alleged former Tarrant County Democratic Party executive director Stuart Clegg funneled money to Leticia Sanchez, one of four paid campaign workers arrested and charged with submitting false and forged mail-ballot requests in an organized criminal voter fraud scheme.
When Sanchez learned that state police investigators were interviewing members of her “vote harvesting group,” she directed Tepichin to send a text message to the crew “conveying a message from Sanchez and Stuart Clegg to not cooperate with investigators,” the notice states.
The message, sent in Spanish, translated stated: “Hello, there is a group of malicious people investigating our work. We have been told by our boss, Mr. Stuart, that we should not give any information. Just give them the phone number of the lawyer who is in charge of this matter. If anyone has contacted you, asked any type of questions, please tell us immediately so we can let the lawyer know,” according to the Star-Telegram.
Clegg was never charged for a crime.
OFFICER: “Would they pay you cash?”
JACKSON: “Cash.”
OFFICER: “So who would actually give you the cash?”
JACKSON: “Stuart. Deborah gave me cash too. Stuart gave me cash. Rubin gave me cash. Then they gave me bonuses and they bought me a moped.”
OFFICER: “How'd you meet them?”
JACKSON: “I was on Race street and they had a rake and a shovel and I was going and trying to find work. You know how the grass grows on the sidewalks. So I done that you know [inaudible]. You can come back tomorrow and do my flowers. Well, I done that too you know. Well, you can come by tomorrow.”
OFFICER: “Who was saying this to you?”
JACKSON: “Deborah Peoples. And then she called Stuart Clegg to come over and said he's a good worker you know. He said hey man come on and help me put these signs out. So I start putting signs out and then I start working the polls and then I start doing a lot of things.”

Jackson told the police officer that he was initially “bailed out by Stuart Clegg” and placed under a “gag order”, and that he was later sentenced to ten days in prison for voter fraud.
At the time, news coverage claimed there was no evidence that Jackson’s case was related to the indictment of the four women: Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis, and Laura Parra, but this newly released footage indicates that Jackson was also being paid by Stuart Clegg, and furthermore, that he was also being paid by, Deborah Peoples, the current Democratic nominee for the highest elected position in the 15th most populous county in the United States.
Last Friday, the Tarrant County Republican Party released a statement that calls for an investigation into the matter saying, “In the video, the individual explained to a police officer that Ms. Peoples directed him to target the elderly, steal their votes, and harvest those votes for specific candidates in the 2016 election.”

Timothy O’Hare is the Republican nominee for Tarrant County judge.
With less than 45-days to go until the election, let’s help Mr. O’Hare, the Tarrant County GOP, and the entire country bring attention to the fact that, Charles Jackson, a felon previously convicted of voter fraud, accused Deborah Peoples and Stuart Clegg of paying him “$200 in cash” for “six months” for every ballot that he fraudulently acquired from elderly voters — and Deborah Peoples is still the current Democratic nominee for Tarrant County judge.
Rumble link to the highlights or full video — YouTube highlights below:

If you would like to take action — please consider sharing this article and video — contacting the Tarrant County election office at 817-831-VOTE or filing a complaint with the Texas Secretary of State citing the illegality of vote harvesting in Texas Election Code 276.012:
Thank you for your time, thank you for your support, and thank you for sharing my work!
My view; this should surprise no one. Democrats (and some Republicans) have been stealing elections for 100 years. Or more. What’s different now is that it is in your face, they do it with no fear of retribution, and the scene described here is repeated 1000s of times per week. Much of it caught on tape and nobody does a damn thing about it. Because 90% of them are in on it. As a general proposition, the cheating benefits the GOP mostly in the primaries. That way they keep the establishment RINO candidates in place and the more conservative candidates on the sidelines. Then in the general elections the DEMS cheat to hold the swing districts and the GOP looks the other way. This was on full display in 2020 when the RINO controlled legislatures in every swing state refused to address the cheating that took place, despite massive amounts of evidence, much of it irrefutable via video tape. There is no fix for this, other than a blow up of the entire system. That includes the way candidates are chosen, financed, and how and when voting takes place. The chances of that are slim and none. And slim was just put on Remdesivir.
Finally, and this assumes that we even have an election on 08 November, if you think there was cheating in 2020 you ain’t seen nothing yet. In 2020 they only needed to effectuate the steal in a handful of states. In 2022 the Dems are in trouble in all 50 states, even D+10 districts are in play. The amount and level of illegal and nefarious activity upcoming will dwarf all of the cheating that has taken place since the founding of the country.
Simply awesome. I plan on circulating this later today after taking care of some other pressing personal business. You really don't need another hoorah in my opinion but what's the next level up for supporting your efforts?
Your reports are extremely important echoing and mirroring my thoughts and certainly many others.
This has made my day and a great start to the weekend.
Just wanted to get something out to you quickly.
Again, Best.