Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you for this excellent summary! I also follow you on Telegram. You are helping us all with your findings!

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Thank you!

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Why the hell do the masses still not believe? Why is word not getting out? In utter shock at the silence.

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Many people have never seen any of this information and have only been presented the narrative of Big Pharma.

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I’ve tried to share w my friends. Geert V B article in 21. My friend said, oh my friend googled him. He’s a fraud 🤬🤬🤬

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I have boosted friends.

Because nothing happened to them, so far…. They believe the lies. It’s mind boggling

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I have boosted friend showing off their vaccinated kids. Sad😓

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mass formation psychosis

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I showed some people the vaers chart of the covid vaccine vs all other vaccines, and I still get the same response: "all vaccines have problems, I'll take my odds"

Which might be reasonable, if they were super effective.. Which they are not.

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The word is getting out quickly to the normies and sheeple about the Pfizer injections, the absolute carnage in their wake, and how public health bureaucrats are complicit in the carnage and the attempt to cover it up.

Here in New Zealand, three senior health officials instrumental in pushing the "safe and effective" propaganda to the trusting public all resigned in the last few days -- Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield; Director of Public Health Dr Caroline McElnay; and Public Health Deputy Director Dr Niki Stefanogiannis. Good riddance to those shameful bureaucrats with blood all over their hands. They might want to escape the country to hide and to seek help from their handlers.

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But wait ... even more rats are leaving the sinking ship in NZ! Two District Health Board Chief Executives just announced their departure -- Kathryn Cook and Chris Fleming. For those of you who don't know, New Zealand used only one Covid jab, and it was Pfizer.

Naturally, nearly all these bureaucrats cite that they are leaving in order "to spend more time with their families." LOL.

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Sounds like they were paid off very handsomely and are now skipping out to enjoy their wealthy retirement from the mass murder business...Oops! I mean "public health" business. The downside of taking money to do evil is they will be plagued by inner demons for the rest of their days, if the Nuremberg 2 crimes against humanity tribunals don't get them first.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Slam dunk Kanekoa!!!

It would be beneficial to also gain access to Moderna’s trial data as well. Particularly since many countries, who are more interested in truth than lining big pharma’s pockets, have banned or restricted their vax.

When you consider the data from DOD and life insurance companies, it seems quite clear that the adverse events data on VAERS is not the full story.

The autopsy data from Burkhardt and Bahkdi showing autoimmune response leading to death is not surprising, but thankful they have now documented this. I believe we will see more of this for years into the future.

People should not take another one of these death shots. If our government and the medical establishment were honest, instead of owned, they would have ended this long ago, or never started it in the first place. The grief caused is immeasurable. Even my daughter, a NP whom I’ve given data regarding adverse effects, vaxxed her 5 year old. My heart is torn into shreds.

Mahalo for your tireless work and devotion to truth. Excellent article!!

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Thank you! Appreciate your feedback, Sigrun!

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I understand your pain. I don’t understand how our young generation has become like this. Obviously they are not bought by big pharms but they really believe the government. It’s sad.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

High level criminal corruption with a complicit MSM sucking up pharma advertising $$$$ and fed $$$$ to push the stuff and avoid reporting reality. Then there are the politicos who bow to the pharma lobby. Pharma didn't become scum over the last 2 years. The criminals have been pushing psychiatric drugs for children for at least two decades. They heavily influence medical education so as to keep the prescriptions $$$$ flowing.

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This is another great piece and why I subscribe.

My questions revolve around the next steps of criminal charges, trials, punishment(s) and restituition. I saw a statistic over 4400 miscarriages. The heartbreak for those Families.

There needs to be accountability at the highest levels now and soon or this is just going to REPEAT again and again when people are similarly led astray by the government-led, msm propaganda machine. Leaders of big pharma and big tech savagely and madly grab huge profits. With all the collusion, diversions and distractions like runaway inflation they are banking on people forgetting this debacle sooner than later while preparing for the next 'crisis'.

Maybe we can start a counter-campaign that makes it fashionable and trendy to eat the rich.

Those that refused to take the shots are looking awfully smart all of a sudden.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Now I know why Burla was made CEO, Pfizer in 1999 came up with a genetic therapy for dogs coronavirus and he's specialized as veterinary.... ah, ah, ah

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

The truth must not come out or the luminate could be overrun by the angry masses. That could ruin the makeup of some of our medial personalities.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

thank you very much! this is so great. I woke up this morning and planned to get an outline together of info to hand to my family with updated info. I dont really have the time and I have a lot of unorganized things saved to go through. I had cobbled something together right before Christmas and included Dr. Malone's plea to not vaccinate kids but some were not convinced (wah!) and now they are talking about 4th booster. I listened to X22 this morning and he mentioned this article, I read it, and now i am a news subscriber and plan to share this on FB and print our for people I can just hand it to. thank you, thank you , thank you.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Best summary I’ve seen! Fantastic!

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North America, however... full speed ahead.

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Thanks to this Covid debacle, I have zero trust in doctors, nurses, or medical facilities.

Sadly, the downfall of US medicine began with Obamacare being forced upon us.

I've never trusted the government, which now runs medicine - along with insurance and administrative bureaucrats.

Heaven forbid a doctor be allowed to rely on their own medical training.

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The medical institutions have been captured by Big Pharma. It has never been more obvious.

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I was "lucky" enough to have a private practice, old school Doc for 30 yrs, who didn't "auto-prescribe" the most expensive pharmaceutical, did believe in scrutinizing blood tests, vitamins, diet and exercise. He died of a heart-attack at 82, and had seen patients the day before he died. His Nurse Practitioner daughter and Physician Assistant son sold the practice to a medical group within 6 mos. of his death.

My "new" doctor immediately prescribed "cholesterol and blood pressure" meds. I asked if he'd looked at my "history", he said he didn't need to.

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Before Covid, my Dr told me the Government owns The Drs.

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So, did your doctor tell you not to get the jab?

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No. My Dr told me The CDC said to get it.

Even though my chart says No Flu or Pneumonia shots.

My Dr said it was a safe Vax. I asked for a medical exemption. She said the CDC would take her license if she wrote one.

Only those being treated for Cancer were able to be exempt…..

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Anyone watched Vaxxed ? It will make you angry and cry. Del Bigtree

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Excelling article. Thanks so much for all you do. I also follow you on TG. ... I am finding many people in my circle of acquaintances getting dx with lymphoma. All ages. I know dr Malone was concerned about the nano particles settling in bone marrow and lymph nodes and warned that we need to watch a few months later for leukemia and lymphoma cases. I am wondering now if this being reported. Is it my imagination that I’m seeing a trend?

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You have peer reviewed, you have data that tells the real truth and then you have young slim Olympic Golf Medalist and certainly vaxxed Nelly Korda having serious surgery to remove a blood clot from her arm. Safe and effective needs to start being fighting words on the spot.


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