Could we please stop arguing about saving DEMOCRACY? Democracy’s meaning is essentially MOB RULE and was something the founding fathers DETESTED! They intended and entrusted us with a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! We keep on parroting the word, DEMOCRACY and it’s wrong.

“And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands” we pledge allegiance to the flag

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Saving DEMOCRACY means saving the DEMOCRAT Party. Very obvious.

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I see this ignorance spewed across many right-wing websites.

You clearly have zero clue about the meaning of democracy in America.

We are a:

Constitutional Republic

Constitutional Democracy

Representative Democracy

Democratic Republic

All terms are equally accurate and relevant.

You really ought read up about how the founding fathers discussed the democratic processes developed for our country!,

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I'm not sure left or right remembers that fact, or knows what a democracy really is.

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kilarry rotten & most other lie-beral demonrats use the term, "democracy ".

Patriots pledge our allegiance to our beloved Republic.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I'm standing with True the Vote to be a Poll Watcher but a Poll Worker might be better after reading this.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I signed up to be a Poll Watcher in 2016 and 2018, was approved, and showed up for duty with my papers and ID.

The supervisor sneered, said "OH! You're a TRUMP supporter!!!" and tried to send me across a huge auditorium to sit in a corner - don't interact with people, don't talk to anyone, don't come near the voting machine, just go sit. This happened both years.....same witch in charge.....

The people in charge of the voting places, are the ones we need to do something about if Poll Watchers are to have any reasonable chance of doing an effective job. Otherwise we show up, the left can say they let us "observe"......so nobody can say they shut us out - but they know how to handicap us too from catching anything hinky going on.

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maybe its time to fight back a little..when they said go sit in the corner for the Trump supporters thats when media should get alerted..i know most of them stink but some dont and wouldve reprorted this..and if you got in the face a bit they would of closed the polling place and that would of caused alot of stir..

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Try to get a position close to the clerk that handles the provisional ballots. Don't let them intimidate you. Your election code will spell out the rules. Make a paper and digital copy, get familiar with them, and bring them with you. Know exactly which parts will support you, AND there should be Republicak lawyers on a holiness that you can call with irregularities. Stand your ground!

The Dims will try to lock up the positions. I suggest that you get a county amendment that mandates that all poll workers must be hired in proportion to the stated party affiliations in the county, and that a hired must have been a member of that party for a minimum of 5 years on the county rolls.

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What State are you in?


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And......who are you? This problem isn't limited to my state.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

“NOW is the time to get off your butt and get involved in your local election!”

Thank you for the break down. Makes it less intimidating.

Sharing the crap out of this!!!


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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Exactly what does Obama and Hillary's "Power the Polls" class teach??? How to steal an election better than 2020?? Someone should just check that out!! If they are pushing this I don't trust either of them!

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

May they both die from ass cancer.

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unfortunately the bad ones last a long time...

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Sign up with your local party chairman instead. Any organization with those two names on it wants the public as far away from the process as possible.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Big Bucks to help with the steal. Sadly, they can't pay your attorney fees.

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"You'll want to:

1. Find out if you must be a registered voter in the state.

2. Find out if there is an age requirement.

3. Find out if there is a residency requirement.

4. Find out if a political party affiliation is required."

5. Find out if you can look the other way.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

If you're in California, an excellent organization is Election Integrity Project California. Their website is https://eip-ca.com. They're signing up volunteers NOW for November for Poll Observers, signature verification observers, ballot processing observers, and more.

Don't confuse them with the Republican Party's knockoff California Election Integrity Project. (they're violating the copyright of the "Election Integrity Project" part of EIP CA's name.)

They have a major lawsuit before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (info found on that website). They have a decade of evidence to present.

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Just signed up. We'll see if they call.

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Without being allowed to audit the black boxes that count the votes, both sides will continue to steal elections and voting will continue to be meaningless. If audit of the black boxes and algorithms isn't allowed, then we need to use paper ballots that are hand counted, as they do in several European countries.

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Poll watching right now and have all week in FL for early voting. I will be a poll worker for the general in November. I have been working some aspect of every election since 2008. That was my wake-up call. I saw what was coming!!!!

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The Godless totalitarians are desperate & frantic. Let's do all we can to reduce--and report--their cheating.

2 more helpful sources:



And for Carolinians:


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We need Obama and HRC like we need monkey pox or another pandemic. In free societies evil is allowed to exist. When the people choose evil over good, very soon only evil will be allowed to exist. The good will be annihilated by the evil.

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I'll be registering as a poll worker here in Oregon. Not sure how that works as it's all mail in.

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