This is a huge gift for our country. Pray for the team’s protection. And share the hell out of this everywhere. Truly inspired, sending it to Hunter’s contacts. May God show us the way forward.
Garrett and his Marco Polo team did what NO investigative journalist, media or law enforcement agency would do. They knew the laptops were legit. They chose to do NOTHING. It takes guts and courage to stand up against the most powerful forces in the country - we learn with each passing day who the real patriots of this country are. Thank you Kanekoa for supporting and sharing this.
WOW Thanks for sharing this report. We all need to get this to our legislators. Not that they will read it but it just takes one of them to read it and hopefully do something to put the Biden’s in prison. We at least need to try.
1--Your equating Biden Laptop to the Rosetta Stone is the perfect analogy:
translating so many different Biden digital proofs into evidence = translating Egyptian hieroglyphics into comprehensible Greek.
2--Your generosity in giving us the download is also great. You truly are the Great Kanekoa.
3--I will gladly join the "sharing brigade" to put out this hellish, fiery Biden family corruption.
4--One concern. When the Marco Polo team says, “All we're seeking is the equal application of the law" I have to say something that is bugging me since Resident Biden's installation:
~~Is Bumbling Biden "faking dementia" to maneuver around equal application of the law even after all the team's conclusive evidence becomes public record in a court of law?
~~See, I cannot understand why the Democrat Party anointed Biden for 2020 knowing his feebleness would be veeeery bad optics for 2022 and later unless he is using a faked dementia like throwing a wrench into the legal machine works. Dementia = plausible deniability = not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
5--Hope my suspicions are wrong and that I don't have the sophisticated depth of legal knowledge to end my concern.
What a gift they’ve given to every single American ~ the truth they’ve worked decades to hide at last revealed. Love your analogy to Rosetta Stone as it describes it so well! Thanks again for your outstanding work!
These criminals aren't going to prosecute themselves and Conservatives lack the guts or brains to rise up en masse , just admit you are all bottoms cause you love bending over and taking it up the ass. land of the weak and the home of the lame.
What an extraordinary and generous gift to the (sentient) American people! Blessings on you and yours for giving this to us. Now we have to run with it and use it strongly.
The Laptop from Hell should be enough to topple Fake News (for covering it up), the Obama/Susan Rice/Biden Administration (for treason), Nancy Pelosi (for a fake insurrection), and all the weaponized bureaucracies (especially the FBI) who have enabled criminal actions.
This is a huge gift for our country. Pray for the team’s protection. And share the hell out of this everywhere. Truly inspired, sending it to Hunter’s contacts. May God show us the way forward.
Garrett and his Marco Polo team did what NO investigative journalist, media or law enforcement agency would do. They knew the laptops were legit. They chose to do NOTHING. It takes guts and courage to stand up against the most powerful forces in the country - we learn with each passing day who the real patriots of this country are. Thank you Kanekoa for supporting and sharing this.
WOW Thanks for sharing this report. We all need to get this to our legislators. Not that they will read it but it just takes one of them to read it and hopefully do something to put the Biden’s in prison. We at least need to try.
1--Your equating Biden Laptop to the Rosetta Stone is the perfect analogy:
translating so many different Biden digital proofs into evidence = translating Egyptian hieroglyphics into comprehensible Greek.
2--Your generosity in giving us the download is also great. You truly are the Great Kanekoa.
3--I will gladly join the "sharing brigade" to put out this hellish, fiery Biden family corruption.
4--One concern. When the Marco Polo team says, “All we're seeking is the equal application of the law" I have to say something that is bugging me since Resident Biden's installation:
~~Is Bumbling Biden "faking dementia" to maneuver around equal application of the law even after all the team's conclusive evidence becomes public record in a court of law?
~~See, I cannot understand why the Democrat Party anointed Biden for 2020 knowing his feebleness would be veeeery bad optics for 2022 and later unless he is using a faked dementia like throwing a wrench into the legal machine works. Dementia = plausible deniability = not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
5--Hope my suspicions are wrong and that I don't have the sophisticated depth of legal knowledge to end my concern.
Avanti patriots of the world!
I had the same thought. His texts to his son are lucid and display full mental acuity.
Lock them up.
Mahalo, Kanekoa!
Good grease the wheel GO! Arrest these people. NO mercy. Traitors were hung in the old days.
Don't worry Hunter
They got crack in prison
What a gift they’ve given to every single American ~ the truth they’ve worked decades to hide at last revealed. Love your analogy to Rosetta Stone as it describes it so well! Thanks again for your outstanding work!
These criminals aren't going to prosecute themselves and Conservatives lack the guts or brains to rise up en masse , just admit you are all bottoms cause you love bending over and taking it up the ass. land of the weak and the home of the lame.
What an extraordinary and generous gift to the (sentient) American people! Blessings on you and yours for giving this to us. Now we have to run with it and use it strongly.
Still won’t matter. He will get away with all of it. Bc our legal system stinks. Welcome to the CCP stateside, people!
This is something that the public must see.
The Laptop from Hell should be enough to topple Fake News (for covering it up), the Obama/Susan Rice/Biden Administration (for treason), Nancy Pelosi (for a fake insurrection), and all the weaponized bureaucracies (especially the FBI) who have enabled criminal actions.
Let's Go Brandon! FJB.
This item should be required in every civics class in the nation
It won’t let me download Marco Polos Report. It says it can’t find the server!
same here
Just a reminder, there’s no statute of limitations on charges of treason and crimes against humanity.