So, now that this has been distributed to all 535 members of the House & Senate as well as to US Attorneys & District Attorneys it will be VERY interesting to see who remains silent.

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I bet the majority stay silent, if not all.

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It would cause a real Constitutional crisis to have to admit that there is a criminal syndicate running the country. But that’s really what we need.

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So it’s almost a month since you made this comment Bandit, looks like you were right. Unless the new Republican House majority is waiting until January.

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And here we are in January 2023. We’ll see what happens this month….

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The GOP are cowards and will do nothing. They are all part of the corruption as well.

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(sigh) A former Democrat-leaning progressive liberal here. Now, neither left nor right, but aiming for 'up' on a scale of integrity and moral autonomy.

Regardless of ideology or political affiliation, those with ambitions of power over others (rather than to serve) ... particularly in communities beyond Dunbar's number ... all guilty until proven innocent of 'dark-triad' motives — the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us.

Now reading and influenced by Andrew Lobaczewski's ''Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism''.

Cheers from Japan,


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Nice. I'll add the book to my growing reading list. I just started Agents of Deceit by Paul Blackstock. It's an older book but none, NONE of this is new. History is just repeating.

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Bingo, W! And thanks for the heads up about Blackstock's book.

Indeed, the 'influencers' of every generation, every kingdom, every would-be Tower of Babel think of themselves as the exception. Reminds me of a favorite passage ...

''Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.''

Diamond, Jared. Collapse (p. 276). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Cheers S.


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Wisdom. One can only cannibalize himself so far……..

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Indeed. Terminal times we are facing.

Cheers, Cathy.

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Thanks again Steve. There is so much out there no?

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Indeed, W. I checked Amazon for the Blackstock book but couldn't find it, so I did a general pdf search ... and lo and behold! Free!


Thanks again for the heads up!


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When you get to page 96, striking similarities will emerge. I did a time-line. WJ Burns error was hidden and covered up by JE Hoover. Doc still is not declassified.

Blackstock was a professor when I took his poli-sci class early 70's. I am finding it an exceptional read.

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Wow. You took his class? Thanks for the heads up. I still have to finish reading Lobachewski's 'Political Ponerology' and Desmet's book first, so it will take a while.


p.s. About the only 'name' academic whose class I took was Paul Ziff, down from Columbia to teach philosophy at UNC-Chapel Hill in the late 70's. His 'philosophical debates' could be boiled down to 'whichever dog barks the loudest and last, wins.' He was a real ass.

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Do you mean by 'morphologically defined' that they physically look like psychopaths (i.e., the sneer of contempt and the visage of rage over a lifetime has strengthened certain muscles and bones in the face to produce a distinct kind of look)? Or do you mean something more formal (i.e., the geometry of interactions in the logic of a psychopathic personality has distinct operations in their decision spaces)?

A good book reference, too.

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"Our number one goal is to ensure that Republicans don’t waste time. ... The investigation has been done.”

This the case also for what should be the impeachment and removal of Biden, Myorkas, Wray, and Garland. But the GOP will most likely bloviate in endless hearings, "discovering" what is already known, and holding no one truly accountable in any meaningful way. McCarthy, who a serious House would not have as speaker in this moment, has already signaled weakness in these efforts

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SMASHING. At one time, something like this would be a 'smoking gun' or caught 'red' handed. No longer.

HOWEVER, common people are fed the line that it's just another 'hoax' and 'conspiracy' and to just relax.

RIGHT. I'll take my popcorn lightly salted, no butter.

AND I KNOW I WILL be in line at the polls early on 8N.

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Looting the American people, hmmm, ask McConnell about that….big ol’ nothing burger….sad to say…I mean if you can steal a presidential election…ask FBI about Ray Epps…Ashli Babbitt murder….what did your congressman do or say about that, 98% nadda

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This needs to be exposed, every individual held accountable, and our processes fully revamped to be sure this never happens again. The depth of illegality is breath taking. That anyone would sell out our country for money speaks volumes about the lack of integrity in our ruling elite. If silence from DC results, it will fully solidify the latter.

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90% of our gov. reps are worthless if not treasonous in some form. Disgusting! All talk and no action, and Im so sick of it! Totally fed up!

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Evil Anti American Communists Joe Hunter Biden and All the Biden Crooks !!!!

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Hmmm... Garrett has been able to use the laptop to clearly show “we the people” who in Congress are corrupt. Plus, it exposes all the media complex cover-ups as well as the FBI, and more. Two questions I’ve had for a while:

1). Did Xi participate to set up the Biden criminal family?

2). Had Hunter already been given a deal to “forget” the laptop?

This plan has apparently been in effect for longer than most of us realize...hence the questions.

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GOP isn't the GOP. The parties are the dividers' tool of choice. Very few in the chambers are legit.

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I prefer to refer to them as The UniParty for obvious reasons.

I never imagined thinking that the USA will spread the errors of Marxism and shall be one of the various nations that will be annihilated per the Fatima Predictions .... but here we are.

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So many people do not know of this. Great info to help with the Great awakening. Thanks!

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We are obligated to share it everywhere. If we don’t, we are just as complicit .

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There is so much to share these days its hard to keep up but, one thing Im waking up to is how many people just dont seem to care. They are in some kind of transe and wont even listen. I just want to shake them! Most of my friends and almost all of my family. Sad.

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Don’t feel alone. I have the same heartbreak. They are under a spell. Pray for them . That’s all we can do and praying is powerful if it is truly from the heart.

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Thanks Katie. I am praying a lot these days.

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Never give up! Our God is with us. Truth ALWAYS prevails at the end. 😇😇😇😇😇😇. Get out and vote and take folks who can’t. We gotta get out and VOTE!!

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Didn't McCarthy just say in the last few days he wouldn't be interested in impeachment? Isn't he the assumed next speaker of the house? I can't stand him, but he could be a massive roadblock.

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The part that's really wild for me is how this is just a tiny, tiny sliver of the immense amount of corruption, mendacity, and subterfuge between members of the Inner Party, because it's strictly focused on the life revealed from one man's throwaway laptop computer, and he's not even central to some of the more outrageous, incompetent, and degraded plots unfolding upon this planet. And yet it still takes six-hundred pages to condense the tens of thousands more transcripting the gigabytes of data —but all these webs of connections reveal just how much the wealthy, the influential, and the corrupt do not trust each other, cannot get along without force or deception, and show no sign of remorse or genuine empathy.

Like when Hunter tries to say that his empathy that separates him from 99% of the people around him, because he feels so much the pain and suffering of others, compels him to cut off everyone, his own family, even his own children, so that he can live his life on his own terms for once after all these years. It's his empathy that drives him to isolate himself and spend hours binging on drugs and illicit, desensualized sex and craving for more financial lucre.

There is such pain and sadness weaving throughout this tiny, tiny story of a few people who have sliced and chipped and torn away, pieces by pieces, the integrity of their souls because they each feared death and physical dismemberment —great sadness, because uncovering this much reveals how much greater the tragedy is of our entire human race that we are inescapably under the power of corrupt and incompetent, fundamentally broken and hollowed people whose lifestyles are now crashing and imploding, driving them further mad and flailing into the darkness. The few genuine and self-denying bodhisattvas still here are doing the hard work, but the only way out, I take it, is to go through one's own process of overcoming your own fear of death, your own fear of traumatic suffering, and desire the liberation of everyone, even these people, from the cycles of suffering. They are fractal mirrors of your own journey, after all.

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Does not mirror my journey at all!

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Awesome. Nothing will happen though. They are all in on it.

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It’s going to take some people with “Stones” a group of them male or female are going to have to say this is enough. You also have to consider if you believe in Hammer & Scorecard which I do, how many of the recipients are either bought or blackmailed.

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Wow. Sharing this BIGGLY. Hope everyone is.

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