I think that if we're being clear-headed, like Colonel Douglas Macgregor and others, the war we're seeing now started in 2014 when the Anglo-American establishment, US State Department, and others ran the Maiden putsch, using the help of actual neo-Nazis groups, just like the Anglo-Americans did with Operation Gladio and their ''rat lines.'' We're now in like Act V, but people are treating this like it's Act I...

I've said this before, but f we're being REALLY honest, I think we can recognize that Russia and China are and have been the only real obstacles to what some call the "New World Order" or a "Great Reset." If it wasn't for these obstacles, despite their problems, we'd probably already be in a dystopian technocratic nightmare. That also doesn't mean Russia and China don't have their own Deep State and WEF-type operators, but the penetration is nowhere near anything we have in the West, they kicked people like George Soros out a long time ago; we're still dealing with that.

That being said, Russia taking action on Ukraine may actually be a good thing, a pivotal moment that signals the end of the uni-polar Anglo-American domination of the world. The Ukrainian government was overthrown by an Anglo-American coup using actual neo-Nazis groups i.e. remnants of the real Nazis going back to WWII, which the Anglo-American intel agencies protected, just like they did with their rat lines, just like they did using Nazis to run coup and dictatorships in South America. They weren't in a position to intervene on this in the past. It's arguably a welcomed development, signalling that an Anglo-American dominated uni-polar world is over. Despite all the media fervor, that's a welcome development. A multi-polar world is the way to go.

The reality is that the Anglo-American establishment that has captured the US government and its intel agencies hasn't even tried to cooperate and have a dialogue with either Russia or China, because it's been operating from the stand-point of eliminating every and any existing sovereign nation and assimilating them into the kind of WEF Borg Cube slime mold now branded as a ''Great Reset.''

One of the first things Trump did was go for dialogue with both the Russian and Chinese leadership, and to try to make serious deals based on common-sense cooperation. And that was his biggest sin in the eyes of the establishment, because it meant overthrowing the entire balance of power system that has been used to polarize the world and control various nations, keeping them at each other's necks. This is the oldest geopolitical trick in the book, and it's largely run by the financial interests of the City of London, and Wall Street.

Despite that, the western financial oligarchy is still sitting on the largest financial bubble in human history, the derivatives bubble. Were the American population and Westerners to catch on, the solution would be to cancel all the funny money, end the bailouts, put the system through a Glass-Steagall bankrupcty re-organization where investment banking and merchant banks are separated out from the commercial banks (people's savings, deposits, loans, ''boring banking''), and then credit mechanisms could be redirected towards revitalizing the real physical economy.

That can still be done, but the level of dialogue and discourse needs to make a qualitative leap.

I did write a more in-depth piece where I go into more detail on the financial re-organization front, given it still is possible to have a cancellation of the giant financial derivatives bubble and a clean-up of the banking system with a Glass-Steaglall banking re-organization. The piece is titled ''Wall Street and the City of London Are Playing Largest Jenga Game in History (And It’s Going to Crash).''


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I think your analysis is mostly on the money, except you make the mistake of thinking Putin and China aren’t on board with the WEF agenda. Unfortunately, that’s not true, Putin is a WEF guy. This is all part of the plan. A multipolar world is part of the plan.

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I’m familiar with the Putin is a WEF agent, but honestly, no one ever seems to provide any evidence, other than a video of Klaus Schwab saying Putin was a young global leader... However, Klaus Schwab saying things is not really evidence of anything. I don’t think one needs to be a “Putin whisperer” or China cheerleader to point out that there is a much more interesting and nuanced strategic reality than we’re being led on to. And like I said, there are bad actors in Russia, but it’s markedly different in its makeup than what we have in the West, and the current Russian leadership has some serious statesmen in there, regardless of their problems. The West is quite different. The general population has more of a day.

I think this is where we need to recognize that unlike the typical conspiracy theory where everything is going “just as planned,” it’s not. In this respect, conspiracy theories, as opposed to conspiracy fact, can have very negative effects on people’s ability to discern the nature of real-world events. If people are pessimistic and cynical, they tend to just withdraw, think they have it all figured out, “there’s nothing new under the sun,” and so it really doesn’t matter what happens because they already have a predetermined set of assumptions that tells them it’s all shit anyways. Lack of epistemological grounding and heavy doses of conspiracy theories can have that effect, or even worse: enter the “Boomers.”

With that said, the idea that Putin is just another WEF puppet just like Justin Trudeau or these other clowns is kind of silly when we consider the very serious challenges Russia has posed to the uni-polar Western hegemonic idea, in my opinion. Doesn’t mean they’re perfect and great. That’s not the point.

Russia was supposed to be broken up into pieces ie “Balkanized”; China was supposed to remain a cheap labor market, the slave producers for the Wellsian Western world and its “FIRE” economy.

All that is out the door. None of that has panned out and now they’re sitting on a giant powder keg called the financial derivatives bubble, which was the real cause for the 2007-2008 crisis, rather than the sub-prime mortgage crisis (and now it’s bigger). The subprime crisis was a trigger, but the real financial black hole that popped up was due to all the derivatives bets stacked on top of the mortgages ie Mortgage-backed securities, CDS, other CDOs. That’s the elephant in the room.

They’ve been trying to buy themselves time, but I don’t think there’s really much evidence to suggest they have their cards in place for a Great Reset. In fact, it looks like the walls are closing in and the population is becoming increasingly red-pilled and increasingly open. It doesn’t mean we won’t go down with them lol. The current situation is not enough and the dialogue needs to continue evolving, but there are definitely cracks in the dam. I don’t think we should minimize that.

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David, Read your links, can't find a way to respond to anything or find you on the canadianpatriot & substack is all poetry. I'd like to know if there is a simple way you can explain IF - HUGE IF - US and other Western Governments decided to run with the Glass-Steagall idea and get our economies in shape. What would that look like? As if tomorrow were day one? IF this idea were discussed more openly to enlighten citizens, would it stave off WEF plans? Different from the depression, people now depend on pensions. Humanity must play a part here; we cannot allow depraved elites to snuff us all out. I'm in for your idea-What's a plan?

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I definitely think the Glass-Steagall option is not only a viable first step, but a necessary one. I think that becomes clear if we just look at the reality of the debt crisis, and all the emergency liquidity operations run by the Fed recently. As Wall Street on Parade reported, by January 2020 (that's three months BEFORE the onset of the pandemic), the Federal Reserve had already received 6 trillion in emergency loans through the repo-loan mechanism where they were able to just trade in worthless paper for basically cash. All these things have continued under the auspices of a ''covid response.''


Implementing Glass-Steagall would require some very clear communication and messaging on the part of the authorities, like the ''Fireside Chats'' where Roosevelt explained exactly why there was a bank holiday, what the accountants were doing to clean up the banks and restructure the financial system, etc... Part of that has to do with making people understand in the clearest and simplest terms exactly what's being done and why. Otherwise you get panic and bank runs. But those will happen anyway if something isn't done, it's guaranteed. The inflation we're seeing now is nothing, it would be just the beginning.

So that's why I mentioned cancelling the funny money, which is what all the derivatives bets and speculative debts are. They're not tied to anything productive, they're not tied to agriculture (for the most part), manufacturing, industry, infrastructure, but these speculative activities have largely been the thing that have looted the income streams of the real economy and directed them into speculation, instead of productive investment and future-orientated programs.

If we consider the 16 trillion in bailouts that were already done to stave off the collapse, the idea that even a fraction of that couldn't have instead been directed towards revamping the entire US infrastructure grid, setting up high-speed rail system, nuclear power plants, irrigation programs (the water crises in California and other states are largely the result of 40 years of neglected investment in infrastructure in favor of speculation and reckless deregulation).

I think we just need to be clear, like the alternative is already on the books, Dodd-Frank Title II: ''bail-ins.'' Bail-ins were already tested in Cyprus and elsewhere. The banks would just directly seize a portion of people's savings, deposits, pensions, and give them a financial ''haircut.'' They would be told it's either that or the whole system blows out and they lose everything. In fact, that was the original argument for bailouts: ''you either authorize these bailouts or the banking system will collapse and we'll have marshal law in the streets--that's what congress was told in closed-door meetings when the 2007 crash initially occurred.

The reality is what can't be saved or covered are all the toxic debts and worthless paper being held by the zombie banking system i.e. Wall Street mega banks and the City of London. The derivatives bubble is estimated to be nearly a quadrillion dollars in notional value. If even a fraction of it starts to contract and banks start having to cover serious bad bets because of some unexpected situation, or a ''cyber pandemic'' (as the WEF simulation warned), it would dwarf the size of the financial black hole that surfaced in 2007-2008.

In this light, the alternative would be a sound bankruptcy re-organization where the accountants go in, separate the toxic debts and funny money from the commercial banking activities which include deposits, savings, pensions. Then, that does mean a lot of major institutions would be drastically reduced, which is why the second necessary course of action would be regaining control of sovereign credit mechanisms, which is what Alexander Hamilton, Lincoln with his greenbacks, and FDR with the RFC and other mechanisms. Credit would have to be issued and directed, but ONLY tied to physically productive programs with a future orientation i.e. not speculation. So there would be major projects that would get a lot of people to work, would incentivize private industry of every kind, and free the US from being hostage to the merchant banking system and private central banks like the Federal Reserve. Examples of projects would be the Bering Strait tunnel, major nuclear power plant programs (if the WEF and Greens were serious about reducing co2, they would be supporting this, but they're not, because they're interest isn't climate change, it's a Malthusian depopulation agenda, forcing Western civilization back towards a more “sustainable” world i.e. one with much less people and sources of much lower energy density than what’s needed to sustain an industrially developed first-world technologically advanced nation).

Ultimately, what's needed for these things to work is a plan, a vision, so that people actually know where we're going and what's going to happen. If we just cancel the current monopoly game, but don't actually have anything to replace it with, then it's just going to be panic and financial meltodwn. The whole Wall Street City of London narrative is meant to just keep saying TINA TINA TINTA (There is no alternative), and trying to scare everyone into submission, ultimately with the purpose of forcing everyone into accepting real fascist Schactian austerity programs and grounding people down economically until they have no means of even resisting. The only weapon they have is fear and suggesting that people are too stupid to recognize the Wall Street casino system is a total fraud and completely bankrupt (only being kept on life support by bailouts). So people are told they just have to go along and ''tightening their belt,'' no matter how many people have to die to keep the Wall Street game going.

None of it is true.

People just need to be clear on what the alternative is and how it can be executed. 1932 and the Pecora commision are the best and most recent precedents we have for the size and scope of the kind of financial overhaul necessary today.

To quote from a very useful article and deep-dive, ''Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More'':

''Pecorra’s highly publicized success empowered FDR to impose sweeping regulation in the form of 1) Glass-Steagall bank separation, 2) bankruptcy re-organization and 3) the creation of the Security Exchange Commission to oversee Wall Street. Most importantly, FDR disempowered the London-controlled Federal Reserve by installing his own man as Chair (Industrialist Mariner Eccles) who forced it to obey national commands for the first time since 1913, while creating an “alternative” lending mechanism outside of Fed control called the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) which became the number one lender to infrastructure in America throughout the 1930s.

One of the most controversial policies for which FDR is demonized today was his abolishment of the gold standard. The gold standard itself constricted the money supply to a strict exchange of gold per paper dollar, thus preventing the construction of internal improvements needed to revive industrial capacity and put the millions of unemployed back to work for which no financial resources existed. It’s manipulation by international financiers made it a weapon of destruction rather than creation at this time. Since commodity prices had fallen lower than the costs of production, it was vital to increase the price of goods under a form of “controlled inflation” so that factories and farms could become solvent and unfortunately the gold standard held that back. FDR imposed protective tariffs to favor agro-industrial recovery on all fronts ending years of rapacious free trade.

FDR stated his political-economic philosophy in 1934: “the old fallacious notion of the bankers on the one side and the government on the other side, as being more or less equal and independent units, has passed away. Government by the necessity of things must be the leader, must be the judge, of the conflicting interests of all groups in the community, including bankers.”




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❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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Could you elaborate? I'm against authoritarian federal government assault. Regardless of how you feel, are you saying there shouldn't be a cancellation of all the fictitious debts, and an end to hyper-inflationary bailouts? Maybe clarify what part of the taking on Wall Street program I suggested you disagree with?

Glass-Steagall would be the first way to accomplish that. I haven't heard any alternatives that address how to handle the unwinding derivatives financial bubble.

That's the elephant in the room. It's what the bailouts are all about.

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As I just posted, IF the Russians want to get really nasty, they can stop recognizing patents-intellectual property owned by hostile powers aka ALL ANGLO-AMERICAN IP (worth 10s of trillions of dollars) and threaten to do the same for European IP - this would cause a rift b/w the Anglo-American powers and Europe/EU/Germany... There is precedence for this e.g. much of the US pharmaceutical industry's origins were in German companies/assets seized during WWI...

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Read Putin's pre-invasion speech he spells it out. He said that Russia has made it clear for many years that NATO expanding onto it's borders and engaging in anti-Russian activity was a read line they would not allow to be crossed. The US and NATO have been sponsoring color revolutions in countries with the express intent of using them as a stick to provoke the Russian bear. We would not accept this in Canada or Central America. Why are our leaders engaging in Dangerous practices like this. I may be a minority here but I believe Russia and Ukraine both are much better to have as allies against China than to have as an enemy aligned with China. We actually have far more in common with the Russian people than we have differences. This is insanity.

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And this is why China has, I think, been pulling on the strings of their favorite puppet (Joe Biden) to make all this happen. He and his cronies have been poking the big bear until he finally attacked. Now Xi will swoop in to clean up the mess when half the world is thrown into financial collapse and food/oil insecurity.

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"Thanks to the incompetence of U.S. and E.U. policymakers, western nations have foolishly dismantled their own energy independence in exchange for Russian oil and gas."

You are too kind, calling it incompetence and foolishness. I think most everyone smart enough to be reading this article (instead of waving a Ukrainian flag around), knows that this is all part of the master plan to destroy the U.S. from within.

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These are boomerang sanctions by a myopic and decaying western empire, spurred on by an increasingly insane corporate propaganda network and a confused populus. Get out of the way if you can because these sanctions are coming right back to hit whoever doesn't duck out of the way square in the face. Nuclear war may be off the table, but the switch of the global economy off the U.S. dollar will absolutely crush the west. And most of the world will celebrate because the cabal has shit on them for even longer than they've shit on us.

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IS IT POSSIBLE Putin is targeting bioweapon labs, child/sex trafficking, money laundering? And obtaining shelling relief for the Russians in Ukraine?

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No. I think this is a pipe dream that would be wonderful if true, but it’s not. I used to think maybe Putin was against the globalists but he’s a WEF man too. This is all helping to bring about the fall of the American Dollar as the World Reserve Currency, which is necessary for the Great Reset

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Thanks! I think that part is true !- I just hoped there might be some other agenda going on. Too bad Klaus didnt get a tracker on all WEFs - we could wipe them out in one computer key in.

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Wouldn’t that be nice!

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#140 What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

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Coordinating with which POTUS - not BIDEN?

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Great job. I figured I should subscribe since you give me so many great stories for my reports.

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The inflation IS the expansion of the money supply. The EFFECTS are the increase in prices. For americans and all those dependant on dollar denominated assets , i dont think they appreciate how bad things are going to get. The prices of gas was 35 cente a gal in 1970 and went up to 150 in the 1990s. A 5x increase

So we started off w gas around 250 -3$ in 2016 and the fed government has inflated the $ supply by trillions so 5x 250 is 12.50 a gallon. This is where we are headed. Basic necessicities will triple or quadruple in price, we will have price controls, gas rationing is coming

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I'm just confused why Putin and xi are cool with the economic forum...

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Bc they know they won't get away with it in their countries - and anything that screws up the rest of Western Society is fine with them. Look at the millions/billions they gave to Biden and all other politicians. We have nothing that is as it looks.

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Excellent piece. Your last paragraph says it all - if read carefully…

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Hello. I have a question:

What mechanism exists, to prevent some rogue actor just adding 1.000.000,00 USD to its balance sheet and transfering the amount through one of the Swift/CIPS/SPFS message systems.

These message systems are really just a text with account numbers, sent by email.

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❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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One of the most candid and well researched pieces i have read on this issue, beats anything coming out of the mockingbird media. Thank you for sharing!

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Great article. It just goes to show how contrived and manufactured the entire thing is and should make people realize that behind the Putin and Zelenskyy puppet show, there are Rockefellers, Kissingers and, ultimately, Masonic City of London banking gangsters pulling the strings. This is all an attempt to crash the dollar and to move hegemony away from the US, towards China and Russia. The same people that own Putin and Xi Jinping, also own Biden and Zelenskyy. You're watching a TV war designed to shake up the world's order. The deaths and displacements that are involved in this, do not matter one iota to the Satanic banking paedo sadists that are controlling this war.

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Our only hope is Iran nuking dc. Mayor Dailey and huey long have taken the federal govt.

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