Excellent article, Kanekoa! Happy to have found you here on Substack! (just subscribed to your Substack today...) We can add the "icing on the cake": Zelensky is a puppet of Klaus Schwab, and the WEF (World Economic Forum): article on my Substack: "Zelensky, the President of Ukraine: a puppet of Klaus Schwab and the WEF” - World Economic Forum: the same guys who gave us the Scamdemic, the KillerJabs and the Great Reset - Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/zelensky-1
yes, Sigrun, exactly: it seems it is all connected: the Scamdemic, the Election Fraud, the KillerJabs and now World War 3 with Russia - all part of the same Plan.
All the same bad actors involved (WEF, Soros, Fauci, CIA, Obama, Biden & Co + plus the Corrupt media, plus the CIA assets Google, Facebook, Twitter)
Dr. Malone is a true hero...When you understand his past, how tight he is with his wife/high school sweetheart, how TPTB tried to destroy him, and to steal his work, his perverance and deep work and bioethics, you will see what a hero looks like...As it is with Dr. McCullough, Zelenko, Cole, etc.
“But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August
21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going etting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021
"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021
"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021n
Trump is a weak puppet and proved to be so: -Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations
-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !
-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.
- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor
-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.
- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients
-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.
-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:
• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.
-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.
-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.
No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.
- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022
-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.
-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law
-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.
-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.
-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.
-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution
-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden
-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting
In 2018 Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe's CIA/Rosemont Senaca (Hunter Biden)-funded firm (whose stated purpose is "biological threat evaluation and management") signed an $18 mil federal contract in the Ukraine as a subcontractor of Black&Veatch.
We knew they were connected. Money tells the real story... The Biden Family Knew the Truth. But, they kept the money train rolling...CORRUPTION IN THE WHITE HOUSE..( BELIEVE IT..)! and we still have 3 more years of this political nightmare...!
One of the best articles I've read in quite a while. I agree with Greg Rubini above (or below, not sure where I fall in), KS is the only name missing. Well, Soros is another.
Soros fingerprints are everywhere: Ukraine Coup of 2014, Election Fraud 2020, installing puppet Zelensky. Interestingly, Putin kicked Soros out of Russia back in 2006... what are we seeing today is a Soros revenge?
Is there a connection between Soros, the 2 bosses of BlackRock, the CEO of Pfizer?
There is. Look, and you'll find it. Soros, Fauci and the Scamdemic?
Excellent article detailing the current situation. You should replace the talking mockingbirds on mainstream media. The public is in dire need of some honest truth.
Clearly corruption abounds at the expense of the people of Ukraine to line the pockets of the greedy elites and oligarchs. Why the heck would the US bailout Kolomoisky‘s PrivatBank and then seize his assets in the US?? Due to his corruption??? Was he skimming US elites money laundering through his bank??? So many further questions raised with this. And yes. It appears Kolomoisky (Kolomoyski sp?) profited from the raise in natural gas prices and enriched himself at the expense of the people. This all has to lead back to our own corruption, given Hunter’s involvement with these scum bags.
I see many more of your brilliant articles forth coming. I look forward to them. Thank you for your diligent, well documented, and truthful work. Mahalo!! 🙏🏽❤️🌺
Those who provided HUNTER w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
So, Correct. Yes, and let's not forget Epstein and the Clintons.. In case you do not know, America's DC Swamp Has ALWAYS been eat up with corruption. Why would 60% of low life scrum run for office.?? TO MAKE UNDERHANDED CORRUPT MONEYS.$$$..We are just pawns on the tax rolls to support the lies that float on top of the Swamp. They allow a tiny trickle to rise to the top for the taxpayer to see, but it is planned. And the real scrum stays hidden under the swamp. See what happened to Donald Trump when he tried to EXPOSE it. The Socialists did everything in their powers to shut him down.( and they still are TODAY..!!) ( remember, we are just tax pawns to keep the basic Bill's paid. The Real $$money$$ will never be seen by us. It slides thru the Slime and Filth into the Elected Hands of the 60% Corrupt Crooked Politicians..).!
Thanks for the excellent rundown! But the linked The Federalist article about nuclear Putin isn’t nearly as thoughtful. The author says “When Vladimir Putin feels boxed in and feels Russia is directly threatened, usually from a mistake he makes on the battlefield, he decides to use whatever escalatory step he desires to try and make up for it”—condescendingly, as if it’s not common sense to respect Russia’s borders as America’s proximity to Cuba was the threshold back in the early 1960’s. This also brings to mind Churchill’s quip (apocryphal or not!) that “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”
Help! One of several in my online group is calling this Russian propaganda. The information seems consistent with other independent sources so I’m not concerned but how do I respond intelligently?
I will add about children burned alive could be the time after US staged a very violent in Ukraine in 2014.The people in the southern region of Ukraine were upset that their president they color had been forced to flew ( outside interference) . They had some protests. So Obama, US state sent the nazi thugs to stamp it out. On a crowded day at a soccer event these nazis entrapped about 50 civilians in a union trade center. They set it on fire and they were burned. That was a signal to silence dissent. Sound familiar? H
Excellent article, Kanekoa! Happy to have found you here on Substack! (just subscribed to your Substack today...) We can add the "icing on the cake": Zelensky is a puppet of Klaus Schwab, and the WEF (World Economic Forum): article on my Substack: "Zelensky, the President of Ukraine: a puppet of Klaus Schwab and the WEF” - World Economic Forum: the same guys who gave us the Scamdemic, the KillerJabs and the Great Reset - Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/zelensky-1
I see many corruption links coming together. Keep up the good work!!!!
yes, Sigrun, exactly: it seems it is all connected: the Scamdemic, the Election Fraud, the KillerJabs and now World War 3 with Russia - all part of the same Plan.
All the same bad actors involved (WEF, Soros, Fauci, CIA, Obama, Biden & Co + plus the Corrupt media, plus the CIA assets Google, Facebook, Twitter)
Another putting the global pieces together.
Dr. Malone is a true hero...When you understand his past, how tight he is with his wife/high school sweetheart, how TPTB tried to destroy him, and to steal his work, his perverance and deep work and bioethics, you will see what a hero looks like...As it is with Dr. McCullough, Zelenko, Cole, etc.
“But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August
21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going etting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021
"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021
"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021n
Trump is a weak puppet and proved to be so: -Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations
-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !
-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.
- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor
-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.
- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients
-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.
-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:
• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.
-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.
-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.
No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.
- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022
-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA
-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.
-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law
-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.
-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.
-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.
-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution
-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden
-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting
You left out trump as the major puppet of WEF as well
But wait there’s more…
In 2018 Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe's CIA/Rosemont Senaca (Hunter Biden)-funded firm (whose stated purpose is "biological threat evaluation and management") signed an $18 mil federal contract in the Ukraine as a subcontractor of Black&Veatch.
Damn a new bot! Magic weight loss supplement.
We knew they were connected. Money tells the real story... The Biden Family Knew the Truth. But, they kept the money train rolling...CORRUPTION IN THE WHITE HOUSE..( BELIEVE IT..)! and we still have 3 more years of this political nightmare...!
One of the best articles I've read in quite a while. I agree with Greg Rubini above (or below, not sure where I fall in), KS is the only name missing. Well, Soros is another.
Soros fingerprints are everywhere: Ukraine Coup of 2014, Election Fraud 2020, installing puppet Zelensky. Interestingly, Putin kicked Soros out of Russia back in 2006... what are we seeing today is a Soros revenge?
Is there a connection between Soros, the 2 bosses of BlackRock, the CEO of Pfizer?
There is. Look, and you'll find it. Soros, Fauci and the Scamdemic?
Exactly! And, Schwab/Kissinger
Excellent article detailing the current situation. You should replace the talking mockingbirds on mainstream media. The public is in dire need of some honest truth.
Clearly corruption abounds at the expense of the people of Ukraine to line the pockets of the greedy elites and oligarchs. Why the heck would the US bailout Kolomoisky‘s PrivatBank and then seize his assets in the US?? Due to his corruption??? Was he skimming US elites money laundering through his bank??? So many further questions raised with this. And yes. It appears Kolomoisky (Kolomoyski sp?) profited from the raise in natural gas prices and enriched himself at the expense of the people. This all has to lead back to our own corruption, given Hunter’s involvement with these scum bags.
I see many more of your brilliant articles forth coming. I look forward to them. Thank you for your diligent, well documented, and truthful work. Mahalo!! 🙏🏽❤️🌺
Senate & Congress involved bigly.
Those who provided HUNTER w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.
So, Correct. Yes, and let's not forget Epstein and the Clintons.. In case you do not know, America's DC Swamp Has ALWAYS been eat up with corruption. Why would 60% of low life scrum run for office.?? TO MAKE UNDERHANDED CORRUPT MONEYS.$$$..We are just pawns on the tax rolls to support the lies that float on top of the Swamp. They allow a tiny trickle to rise to the top for the taxpayer to see, but it is planned. And the real scrum stays hidden under the swamp. See what happened to Donald Trump when he tried to EXPOSE it. The Socialists did everything in their powers to shut him down.( and they still are TODAY..!!) ( remember, we are just tax pawns to keep the basic Bill's paid. The Real $$money$$ will never be seen by us. It slides thru the Slime and Filth into the Elected Hands of the 60% Corrupt Crooked Politicians..).!
Thanks for the excellent rundown! But the linked The Federalist article about nuclear Putin isn’t nearly as thoughtful. The author says “When Vladimir Putin feels boxed in and feels Russia is directly threatened, usually from a mistake he makes on the battlefield, he decides to use whatever escalatory step he desires to try and make up for it”—condescendingly, as if it’s not common sense to respect Russia’s borders as America’s proximity to Cuba was the threshold back in the early 1960’s. This also brings to mind Churchill’s quip (apocryphal or not!) that “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”
Help! One of several in my online group is calling this Russian propaganda. The information seems consistent with other independent sources so I’m not concerned but how do I respond intelligently?
He’s correct. Many of us have family ties to both the Ukraine & Russia, we know.
Jesus Christ, Ro Khanna is the most dangerous type of Trojan Horse fraud.
He's anorher Obama.
More on kolomoisky —- puppet of none other than CIA
Can you stick with one spelling of kolomoyski/kolomoiski?
I will add about children burned alive could be the time after US staged a very violent in Ukraine in 2014.The people in the southern region of Ukraine were upset that their president they color had been forced to flew ( outside interference) . They had some protests. So Obama, US state sent the nazi thugs to stamp it out. On a crowded day at a soccer event these nazis entrapped about 50 civilians in a union trade center. They set it on fire and they were burned. That was a signal to silence dissent. Sound familiar? H