Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Long, long ago, I used to do this sort of work for our apparently deceased Uncle. Tech and tactics change, but strategy is immutable -- universal. Sunlight is the BEST disinfectant for espionage. The reason it isn't everyone's first choice of tools is because most people's deeds are evil. So they prefer to remain in the darkness. The light of truth has a way of exposing us all. So it is rarely used the way it should be. Lay it ALL out there. Be bold. Be brave. Keep fighting the good fight.

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I disagree that most people are evil. I have friends with high moral standards who just don’t want those who are evil to know what they are doing. Why else would we want to keep chicoms from accessing our data? Some things are no one else’s business! Keeping them private doesn’t make you “evil.”

Distinctions must be made between what ought to be private and what ought not.

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Just for curiosity, why do you say “apparently” deceased Uncle?

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Because I know what I don't know. To me, Uncle Sam appears to be dead and buried. But I am not certain of that.

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Buried next to Lady Liberty

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Then the FBI switched gears stopping the investigation of the Chinese connection and opening one on Gregg and Catherine for finding the link in the first place? :-(

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Creepy, right?

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Creepy? Yes. But not unexpected.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I hate to think of what the consequences might have been had their investigation identified complicit DOJ or WH officials.

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Why hate to think of the consequnces , it is all very real and must be dealt with and they are all guilty ?

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This is incredible information. Speaking of treason and the unpatriotic acts of people placed in positions of extreme trustworthiness, should never be something to fear. The people doing, and starting this research, should be elevated to hero status and admired by every red blooded American citizen. Thank you for caring enough to continue. Paul

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One more convincing notch to add to the accumulating evidence the planet, America, our corporations, institutions and more have been taken over by a fascist agenda. It fits neatly with what we know about the globalists. A well coordinated plan.

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What I want to know is: how did all of this get by/pass our election certification processes? There's supposedly so many requirements that this has obviously broken, or not met, that many people had to be turning a blind eye to - or were misled, or wth, even a basic understanding of IT security would have thrown some red flags about - what the heck happened to our elections' certification cross checks that were supposed to be preventing all of this??

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Great question!

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Pathetically stupid and weak question actually

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Well, explain why you think it was “pathetically stupid.” Otherwise you are a bloviating moron.

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Clueless much?

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not at all, extremely well informed no doubt !

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Please elaborate- why do you think it's a stupid and weak question, Downtoearthinking.com?

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Clearly, the foxes are guarding the voting henhouse... just like the FDA guarded us from Ivermectin and provided us fantastic vaccines.

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...and THIS explains the rest. (see my reply above)

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That kill as many as they save.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

The people who certify elections are seldom well-versed in the ins and outs of the computer programs which sort, tabulate, and ultimately count votes. They simply believe what the operators say and follow a simple procedure. The operators themselves aren't necessarily well-versed in the politics or even how their software works, they just do what the software salesmen told them and assume someone else took care of security. It takes some high-tech sleuthing to actually confirm what everyone suspects.

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Indeed. But who would set up such a inherently incompetent system? We have been lazy and our enemies have diligently exploited our weakness and embedded themselves.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Seems to me that in most states the election certification procedure is still based on the assumption that votes are tabulated by hand-counts, or the old mechanical voting machines, whose totals can be verified by recounts or cross-checking with hard-copy registration records.

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When you have certain counties in certain states that have more than 100% of the registered voters turn up to vote (haha) you would also think that would throw up a red flag, but no. Nothing to see here folks!

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To a large extent, but not entirely, that behavior can be explained by normalcy bias. Most Americans are fat, dumb, and happy. The certification processes became a rubber stamp by the 1980s, following the civil rights movement of the 1960s. 2 entire generations of poll workers and election officials have passed since Watergate. So it all just became a formality that people didn't even think much about WHY it needs to be done. Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is also the most likely.

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veyr simple, CHEATING on a massive scale and vey deleiberately and DOJ/FBI and the rest were all in on it ! Wake up maybe ?

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

The enemies in priority now, are not the CCP or Putin, NK or Iran (stacked in order by cyberwar that's been on-going for some time...CCP 24x7x365 since 15 + years). No, the enemies are insider threats NGOs, defunct and willful incompetent agencies and SES class, collectivist-globalists within.

Dr. David Martin more than a few months back put the key players of COVID criminals up on the map...those names surely cross-index into to other top-tier sociopaths and have been inflicting pain & suffering.

Martin Armstrong's Socrates is predicting hell for 2023. I can only hope that some of the analysis that continuity of government is in play and a covert operation is and has been operational since before Trump. Otherwise, sooner, like real soon there must be a solution for the people to stop what they are doing (i.e.. worried about food, gas, health) and remove these people either peacefully or by force....and that must come soon.

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If true, this is literal treason.

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Wow. So much respect for these guys. Well done, you! What more can regular people do to help this process?

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Promote True the vote and get involved to try and expose them more, or prevent the subterfuge of our sacred election process! https://truethevote.locals.com/

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Repost this article everywhere you can, for one thing!

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Kanekoa, I feel sick, and your presentation and the quotes from Gregg and Catherine ring true. Along with the FBI’s psychotic entrapment schemes, like those 30-year-old white nationalists wearing full face masks, Ray Ebbs, that idiotic gun smuggling thing to Mexican cartels, makes me think that it’s the enemy within that are evil. I had a long time acquaintance, that I suspected was CIA (Harvard, lawyer, fluent in German, deeply embedded in the classical music world, never made sense) and he always communicated through his god awful poems. He told me he wrote volumes of them. Then he sent me a particularly strange one, about a year and half ago mentioning a bloodless coup. Then I accused him of being CIA and on the evil side. Interesting he didn’t deny it, and he gave me back my art that he collected. I am only babbling on because of how absurd it would be to communicate through poems, but of course they aren’t tangible communications if caught. Thank you for the work you, I am doing happily what I can on the culture side.

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Kanekoa, You're always on top of everything! Thank you for keeping us all informed.

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Thank you, Maria!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Again, fantastic job on summarizing this whole situation!!

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Well done!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Deadly wound to the globalists!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

It's baffling to me that the Department of Defense learns that a tiny bit of Chinese metal found its way into a component of the F-35 and they stop production cold. Yet something as evil as embedded coding & links to Chinese websites hidden in our election software gets only a shrug.

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Well maybe Mike Lindell wasn’t as kooky as so many thought.

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Holy 💩💩💩!!! This is a national security disaster of giant proportions. If not fixed, it does not bode well for all future elections.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you, sir.

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