Apr 25, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

The question is who is going to charge them...I don't think anything is going to happen at least not for years..

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We, the American People, must be the arbiters of justice when the system no longer is.

An adaptation of the old four box adage is, we must speak the truth, we must vote for truth, we must sue and win for the truth, or we will have to fight a war, for the truth.

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Nobody. Kanekoa much like other MAGAgrifters banks on your readership and not on any actual action. You'd have the same results buying QLARP merch from Jim Watkins. ZOG will never arrest the ZOG.

All has always been lost. America was always an Interracial Gay Disco with Jacobin Characteristics and Masonic Trappings. /pol/ is always right.

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Appreciate you <3

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You appreciate this Jew hater? Really? I have just lost all respect for you.

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Before I go off the rails here what does <3 mean? I looked it up and it says it means heart? A positive reaction? Yea, just saw your comment above. You appreciate this bigot. And I thought you were intelligent.

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Yet you subscribe to his newsletter? Having a bad day? Poor fella...

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Why are you here, then?

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Reminding the internet and others that Nothing Good Ever Happens.

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mehhh.....we don't need your reminders.......we live it daily but thanks!!!

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How many pieces of silver do you earn doing harm with your wit? Tell the truth. The right to say an uncomfortable statement comes with the responsibility to be truthful. Our humanity demands the truth as even a white lie is an abomination in God's eyes.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

I'm from Pennsylvania and have wondered what happened to the truck driver. I haven't heard one single word about him since he testified that day; not a peep in legacy media! I surely hope True the Vote can uncover this and cannot wait to watch 2000 Mules!!!

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

It's all so despicable, it makes me sick. God bless the entire True the Vote team and everyone involved in uncovering this mess. I know I'm going to cry when I watch 2000 Mules.

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Be sure to use the code Rudy20 to get 20% off your Grift.

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Troll for subscribers much?

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Nearly in tears reading this and watching the gateway pundit video. They stole America from her People. They want to turn our country into something as dark and angry as Will Martin. (I am praying God will bless the angry right out of that man and replace it with love and joy🙏🏽)

Thank you Kanekoa for bringing us truth and shining light on the evils our enemies have perpetrated against US, America and the world. You do it so very well. Mahalo!🙏🏽❤️🌺

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I like your post. But, I wish nothing good for "Will Martin."

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you Kanekoa the Great. We need the information to enlighten others. We are not the squeaky Wheel. We are the not so silent majority. Thanks to people like you continued dedication. Blessings

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Keep the information Flowing Kanekoa The Great.. You help us spread the TRUTH! Blessings

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Thank you Kanekoa, for the interesting points that COULD be investigated, and likely turn up a good amount of information regarding fraud.

Looking at some of the other commenters... geez, who pooped in your punchbowl?

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

It really kills me to relive that night, Nov 3. I can’t believe we’re living this nightmare.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Kanekoa

Great resource and thorough summary of the travesty that was the 3 November 2020 election. While trying to maintain position between reality and justice, I still have hope the fraud will be remedied. Thank you for a well-written and compelling account!

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Zuckerberg is giving $80 million over five years to US Alliance for Election Excellence. Tianna Epps-Johnson runs that as well as Center for Tech and Civic Life which is also involved in election stuff. Both websites list "Partners" which could be more financial resources.

US Alliance for Election Excellence allows local election leaders to contact them and then decides who it will help. Dem strongholds only I would imagine. Need to keep an eye on Tianna and her efforts and counter them when appropriate or duplicate it where appropriate.

Conservatives don't have this army of NGOs with millions/billions of dollars flowing to them.

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My question why charge $ 20.00 a person to view most it should be is $1.00 per person let millionaire pay there ass for the show already done supposedly get ur popcorn shit remember they get rich n we get fucked again n pay for it fucking intelligent

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Ty Kanekoa for putting this all down so we never forget!

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So will True The Vote do any of these suggestions? Clearly law enforcement should do them but I doubt they will. Sadly too many know a crime was committed but don't know how.

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True the Vote publishing a video of information we already know. Again...

...and conflating what they have the ability to do... I was on board with them for a while but I figured them out...

A Note About the Anonymity of Commercial Mobile Tracking Technology

TTV bases its cell phone tracking claim on commercially available Mobile Advertising Identifiers (MAID). On iOS it’s called the Identifier for Advertisers or (IDFA). These IDs are an alphanumeric string like the following hyphen-separated sequence:


MAIDs and IDFAs were designed to be privacy-safe identifiers that would allow for data collection but wouldn’t allow the collector to tie it back to an identifiable device or person. The identifiers are pseudo-anonymous because they lack any personally identifiable information about the device. So yes, you can use the MAID to show the location of a device on a map but you can’t reverse the identity of that user from the device or the phone number from the MAID/IDFA.

It is impossible to convert a MAID/IDFA to a cell phone number or to an International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) unless you are a Telco, LEA, have a tracker like Pegasus, or have access to intercept technology like a stingray/IMSI catcher. In the movie (min 23:00), Phillips confirms this as well by stating that only the government can unmask the ownership of the phone (i.e., the phone number and subscriber details). Phillips keeps on conflating what LEA/Telco can do in terms of device tracking with what he can/has done.

Please wake up KanekoaTheGreat.

I feel like they're playing "Patriot Games" and stringing us along...

Nobody talks about when Gregg was the executive director at Texas Health and Human Services, nor do they talk about the clear corruption when he was the Director of The Texas Workforce Commission, or how he was the Director and Principal of a SuperPAC in 2011...

You sure he's the leader he's telling you to believe he is?

40 years as an election expert?


Look at his timeline

Do the math yourself.

Any questions?


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When you can watch exactly the entire location of a phone via it's ping geo-coordinates, as overlaid on maps, via the data set provided, and see everyplace that phone went each day from moment to moment it is turned on and communicating, don't you think you can sort of follow them from start of one's day (ie your home) and return of your day (ie your home) every day? And thus, by using the geo tracking mapping, sort of know the addresses for everyplace you go in between? And thus perhaps, identify and say 'gee, I wonder who lives there, and works there every day'? Sort of connecting dots via what's called an investigation. Did you not quite understand that?

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You people are sick

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Phillips literally says he cannot.

I'm a programmer.

What's wrong with the information I provided?

Why attack me?

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You might read this: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/capitol-attack-cellphone-data.html

You don't need their cell phone numbers and/or names when you have the bread crumb trail given to you in GPS mapping of everyplace the phone in question goes to. It's pretty easy/logical to draw a conclusion of a phone going back to one's residence every day belongs to the person living there. Gov't doesn't need to guess since they can subpoena the records, but for anyone else, it's simply adding 1 plus 1 to ID the phone owner/user. Not attacking you- just not sure how you think the data can't lead to proof of owner/user in your initial comments.

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Phillips literally says he can't and ISNT and ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT can at 23 min marker in 2,000 Mules...






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Phillips is saying just buying the data cannot expose the phone number, nor does he have any access to the phone company's phone logs/records from this data. He's not saying you can't connect the dots easily to ID who the owner of the phones are that are carrying them around from place to place with them. Phones don't just float around in the air by magic- takes a human to transport them. Naturally, if you see where the phone goes home to every night and you know who lives there, it's pretty good indication of the identity of the phone's owner that is carrying it around and GPS tracking them, so don't need law enforcement/investigators to ID the phone number or name the individual to connect the dots. You can simply see who lives there and know who it is. Engaging in discussion here which is what these comments sections provide for- not attacking anyone.

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Please stop treating me like I'm an idiot.

I can assure you I'm trained in this not trained in defending strangers online.

A Note About the Anonymity of Commercial Mobile Tracking Technology

TTV bases its cell phone tracking claim on commercially available Mobile Advertising Identifiers (MAID). On iOS it’s called the Identifier for Advertisers or (IDFA). These IDs are an alphanumeric string like the following hyphen-separated sequence:


MAIDs and IDFAs were designed to be privacy-safe identifiers that would allow for data collection but wouldn’t allow the collector to tie it back to an identifiable device or person. The identifiers are pseudo-anonymous because they lack any personally identifiable information about the device. So yes, you can use the MAID to show the location of a device on a map but you can’t reverse the identity of that user from the device or the phone number from the MAID/IDFA.

It is impossible to convert a MAID/IDFA to a cell phone number or to an International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) unless you are a Telco, LEA, have a tracker like Pegasus, or have access to intercept technology like a stingray/IMSI catcher. In the movie (min 23:00), Phillips confirms this as well by stating that only the government can unmask the ownership of the phone (i.e., the phone number and subscriber details). Phillips keeps on conflating what LEA/Telco can do in terms of device tracking with what he can/has done.

So what he's got is not admissable in court based on your conjecture that you keep arguing.

I do not trust him.

He's playing games with Patriots.

Literally tells us he is...

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Oh- and since gov't won't do it- ID the J6 alleged pipe bomb suspect who was shown in FBI video clearly sitting on a bench along their route and chatting on a cell phone. But shockingly, gov't doesn't know who this is....

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Let's not forget where Eric Coomer was in the months leading up to elections and who he met with, along with the other company execs who testified in front of Congress. Were they where they said they were? Suspect the TCF Center van may have visited some NGOs or the now-famous 'Chicago Warehouse'- if Bridget Thorne's testimony is revisited, the Dominion machines were set up in the warehouses by running unlimited quantities of 'test ballots' that just so happened to be LIVE ballots and were being put into black boxes unspoiled. FOR EVERY PRECINCT.

Remember those 'black suitcases' as they were referred to in Fulton??? Either Fulton or TCF witnesses (don't recall where) stated that they were forbidden as observers from going into the canvassing centers' staff kitchen/break area where the workers were allowed to bring in 'abnormally large' lunch containers such as full sized coolers, etc, that went uninspected coming/going. Also, per TCF witnesses, they observed the staff at the ballot processing tables segregating Trump from Biden ballots.

Upon seeing they had a Trump ballot, instead of routing them around the table for processing like Biden ballots, they would tuck them back under the table into boxes and keep them separated. Why would you do that???? Unless you plan to cart them out of the building later for shred/incineration and sub in replacement ballots you have from another source (gee- those 'test ballots' would be handy for this purpose).

Ms. Thorne also noted one night she had stayed late, two Dominion staff were still there allegedly setting up the poll books and 'printing test ballots' to her surprise and she offered to help so they had her set up another poll book after which she asked if she could help more and they dismissed her claiming they'd be leaving soon so nothing more to do. She got an early start the next morning and got there really early (sounded like a 5 am type of arrival) and guess who was still printing 'test ballots'? How many did they print overnight there in Fulton and where did they go?? Same for Detroit and elsewhere???

How much paper did they consume to measure against how many total ballots may have been printed by those machines? Ultimately, those jurisdictions could NEVER be certified/audited if there is an open-ended quantity of ballots that are capable of being printed without tracking, which was clearly the case in all such jurisdictions. All a show.

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