Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Maltese bank account that coincides with the bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source.
Glen Beck did a special on the Burisma deal years ago connecting all the dots with the Hunter and Joe’s Ukrainian quid pro quo. That was before Hunter’s laptop was abandoned at the repair shop. The FBI HAS KNOWN FOR YEARS AND DID NOTHING!
This is why the feckless weasel Merritless Garland had his goon Jack the Ripper Smith aka Mr. 0-8 with the Supreme Court indict Trump - to take eyeballs off this corrupted/compromised crooked family.
Nice attempt to red pill Jason Calacanis. Can we reason with demoralized people? Don't forget about Hunter's disavowed daughter Navy Biden. It would be wild if she played in a role in bringing down the Biden crime family:
We would never have known any of this if the crackhead hadn't dropped off the laptop. The Biden's would have gotten away with everything, just like the Clintons.
This is super shady. Sending all your KYC govt issued ID documents to a non-bank person (Obelisk Gallery). That account they create could be in whatever local entity name they chose.
The gallery Hunter sent the docs to is likely a front and could be part of their money laundering network allegedly.
Additionally, Hunter is a PEP (Politically Exposed Person) and subject to all kinds of additional screening. Given his public history, I don't know of any reputable bank that would risk taking him as a client.
Central banks are the ultimate money laundry. Money laundering rules are thrown out the window for "sovereign" accounts, which I was told you can get if you have enough money (>$50B). The Biden's problem is they didn't ask for enough money like the Clintons (who got $900B to sell out to China). The only conclusion is Biden is the designated patsy, otherwise he would be Central Banking.
I got to page 80 of the report and after multiple attempts, the rest would not load. All the legwork has been done for any intrepid reporter or law enforcement agency to take action. I suppose we are so far removed from the actual definitions of words that Treason has no meaning. This 644 page report needs to be put in the hands of every prosecutor and law enforcement agent in the land. Perhaps one will uphold their oath and do their duty - but that's probably just that wishful thinking for hope of justice in this world. TPTB will likely stomp on this amazing, extensive investigative report which has all the proof needed to prosecute, but given the days in which we find ourselves, it's more likely they'll take action against those who did the work they should have done themselves. In any case, well done Marco Polo! (Even that website is not coming up, argh.)
Yawn.....and how long have we known water is wet? This is all old news. Wake me up when a bureaucrat is finally going to send either Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey Hillary, Obama, Rice, Rhodes, and /or Biden to the gallows, ...and then if the Lefties want to get their pound of flesh, send Trump to jail too for not firing Fauci Pence and ScarfLady...have at it....Good God people....Remdesivir, ventilators and gene therapy shots killed more people than the virus....the country is seriously screwed with as many ignorant people there are that remain clueless as to how bad the corruption really is. Self governance is impossible in a republic when so many of it citizens are morons that believe Leftism is virtuous. Main stream media continues to be the enemy of We the People, but sadly too many of us are stupid and stubborn to face Truth, because you know what they say about truth: its like poetry, and everyone frikkin hates poetry.
Glen Beck did a special on the Burisma deal years ago connecting all the dots with the Hunter and Joe’s Ukrainian quid pro quo. That was before Hunter’s laptop was abandoned at the repair shop. The FBI HAS KNOWN FOR YEARS AND DID NOTHING!
I remember that. He used several chalk boards to connect the dots. It was very detailed!
It’s still on the blaze, I think it’s 4 part series. I want to go back and watch it, compre to to the stuff coming out now.
This is why the feckless weasel Merritless Garland had his goon Jack the Ripper Smith aka Mr. 0-8 with the Supreme Court indict Trump - to take eyeballs off this corrupted/compromised crooked family.
Nice attempt to red pill Jason Calacanis. Can we reason with demoralized people? Don't forget about Hunter's disavowed daughter Navy Biden. It would be wild if she played in a role in bringing down the Biden crime family:
The Biden crime cartel is vast and wide. When all is said and done they will make the mafia look like playground bullies by comparison.
That is exactly why Kash Patel keeps calling them "government gangsters".
Looking forward to the release of Government Gangsters by Kash. The cabal is really afraid of this book 🍿
A Maltese female journalist was killed in a car bomb in Malta. She was investigating the individuals involved in corruption with the Panama Papers.
Connection to Burisma and Hunter?
Holy$hit... your research is outstanding!! This.. is.. amazing..
Unparalleled. 🙌🏾💯
The End is Nigh for the Biden Crime Family
First image of SATABANK behind Bidens am I the only one who thinks that name is highly & suspiciously close to the words - satan and bank ?
Good catch
The Biden Laptop Report is infallible research … it will bring down the Biden regime … worth its weight in gold
We would never have known any of this if the crackhead hadn't dropped off the laptop. The Biden's would have gotten away with everything, just like the Clintons.
Unfortunately, I think they’re still getting away with everything regardless…
This is super shady. Sending all your KYC govt issued ID documents to a non-bank person (Obelisk Gallery). That account they create could be in whatever local entity name they chose.
The gallery Hunter sent the docs to is likely a front and could be part of their money laundering network allegedly.
Additionally, Hunter is a PEP (Politically Exposed Person) and subject to all kinds of additional screening. Given his public history, I don't know of any reputable bank that would risk taking him as a client.
'I don't know of any reputable bank that would risk taking him as a client.'
A disreputable bank would be hppy to oblige.
Any reputable bank afraidof the Biden crime family may also oblige.
Central banks are the ultimate money laundry. Money laundering rules are thrown out the window for "sovereign" accounts, which I was told you can get if you have enough money (>$50B). The Biden's problem is they didn't ask for enough money like the Clintons (who got $900B to sell out to China). The only conclusion is Biden is the designated patsy, otherwise he would be Central Banking.
Outstanding report, thank you. Teza from Sydney Australia
I got to page 80 of the report and after multiple attempts, the rest would not load. All the legwork has been done for any intrepid reporter or law enforcement agency to take action. I suppose we are so far removed from the actual definitions of words that Treason has no meaning. This 644 page report needs to be put in the hands of every prosecutor and law enforcement agent in the land. Perhaps one will uphold their oath and do their duty - but that's probably just that wishful thinking for hope of justice in this world. TPTB will likely stomp on this amazing, extensive investigative report which has all the proof needed to prosecute, but given the days in which we find ourselves, it's more likely they'll take action against those who did the work they should have done themselves. In any case, well done Marco Polo! (Even that website is not coming up, argh.)
Of course they already have taken steps:
Yawn.....and how long have we known water is wet? This is all old news. Wake me up when a bureaucrat is finally going to send either Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey Hillary, Obama, Rice, Rhodes, and /or Biden to the gallows, ...and then if the Lefties want to get their pound of flesh, send Trump to jail too for not firing Fauci Pence and ScarfLady...have at it....Good God people....Remdesivir, ventilators and gene therapy shots killed more people than the virus....the country is seriously screwed with as many ignorant people there are that remain clueless as to how bad the corruption really is. Self governance is impossible in a republic when so many of it citizens are morons that believe Leftism is virtuous. Main stream media continues to be the enemy of We the People, but sadly too many of us are stupid and stubborn to face Truth, because you know what they say about truth: its like poetry, and everyone frikkin hates poetry.
Only two problems here for me: I really like Trump and I love poetry. As for the rest, you’re right on the money!
Interesting Satobank was closed and audited in the middle of Trump's term. 17 recordings is an easter egg 🐸
Looking forward to the rise of the vigilantes.
this is disgusting....
just despicable.
I would love to have a couple of bags of money. Wow,
ill-gotten gains never pay off ... !