My long-time wife is from a 3rd world country. Ironically, their elections are much more stringent than ours because 1) they can't afford the "high-tech" voting machines that are connected to the Internet, and b) they watch the poll-watchers like hawks due to a history of election fraud. They have 1-day voting (it's a work holiday), id-required, paper and pencil, no machines, and they can only vote in their registered district - they will drive 8 hours or more to vote. There are eyes on everything and everyone.

Her family and friends don't believe it when she tells them some states have weeks of voting, 24-hour drop-boxes, mail-in ballots, no id required, machines connected to the internet with proof of hackability going back to the early 2000s, and the ability for poll-watchers to kick out other undesirable poll-watchers.

One has to wonder who's the 3rd world country when it comes to elections...

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Evidently, it's us.

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This issue is the single most important issue in America.

Abortion kills thousands but doesn't enslave a nation.

Violent inner-city crime is decimating families, neighborhoods and adults and children but it isn't destroying a republic.

The federally subsidized invasion by illegal aliens is wreaking havoc on our economy, schools and communities but it isn't taxing and regulating the middle class into serfdom.

The (fraudulent) election of a few hundred corrupt self-absorbed criminals (who we politely call politicians) is doing all of these things and more. The destruction of our western civilization by these vermin is accelerating with each primary, each election, each crony kickback and appointment.

Your vote does matter. But if your vote is stolen, you are but a pawn in a sick game.


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Me too! They didn't even ask to see my ID.

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I think we need to have people taking shifts to stand guard at each Ballot Box and also completely get rid of all the computerized cheat machines but they don't even talk about it anymore so I'm not very hopeful.

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There are plenty problems with in-person voting as well I had my ballot stolen one year. (No voter ID here).

So, really the only solution is to implement in-person WITH Voter-ID.

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Love your reporting but I'd like to get rid of electoral politics and Erik Prince. A mercenary army is corrupt by definition, using violence for money. And any politician having power over 350M people is corrupt by definition. You can't get to that position any other way.

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I love the Shawn Ryan show! Great article!

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It will happen again because nothing has been done to stop it or to get rid of the computerized voting I mean cheat machines that are owned and operated by the left.

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Ours is photo ID.

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Our state does.

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