Nov 20, 2021Liked by Kanekoa

Great article showing the miserable performance of the so called vaccine. So bad they had to literally change the definition of vaccine. No immunity. Leaky vaccine creating essential “super viruses”. Vaccine induced injuries and death. Antibody dependent enhancement making the virus even more dangerous. Development of immune complexes leading to chronic or acute inflammation, such as the endocarditis and pericarditis, as well as potential autoimmune conditions on the horizon for many vaccinated. This vax is going to be known as ‘the shot heard around the world’ for many years to come. As always MAHALO🙏🏽❤️🌺

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At this point in time, with the mass vaccination campaign including children as young as five years old in the US, the future seems bleak. The elected officials in DC will do nothing to stop this. The DOJ is currently being told to investigate Rittenhouse although he has already been rightfully acquitted.

While I respect Governors and AGs for fighting legal battles against mandates, why aren’t they educating parents about the unknown safety of these mRNA shots? Why aren’t they interposing and protecting the children in their respective states. Certainly, they cannot be so naive that they are unaware of the vaccine injuries. Therefore one may only assume they play a part in the crimes.

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As important relevant as this is, and it is both, by focusing on the abject failure of the "vaccine," we are missing the most important point in all this; i.e, the "vaccines" never were intended to cure or slow the non-existent virus. Rather, the "vaccines," and the related "passports," are the Trojan Horses that TPTB intend to use to enslave the whole world through digital surveillance and digital currency. While the "vaccines" have the ancillary benefit (to TPTB) of killing off millions (or billions) of us useless eaters, the true goal is to enslave us into their dystopian vision of total control over our lives. So, it matters little whether o not the "vaccines" are working, or not; what matters most is what "they" intend to do down the road, regardless of the efficacy of their poisons. We need to look beyond the rollout of the "vaccines" and understand the true nefarious intent of the Globalist Cabal that is attempting to re-make the world in its craven image.

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You are so right! So well stated. Thank you.

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non-existent virus? Ok that's a bit tin foil hatty even for me.

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So, it's not a vaccine because it doesn't promote immunity. What is it, then? Something so amazing that governments want to force it on their populations? What is it?

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Please continue to site your sources so we can independently verify. Thank you!

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Cite, you moron.

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Cite, you moron.

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Awesome information!

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I did some research into how Neuro Linguistic Programming is being used by the Five Eyes governments to essentially change people’s behaviour without their conscious knowledge.

They are doing it by targeting what they call “automatic motivations” ie unconscious processes. This explains why so many people appear to under something like spell.

This was published on a Canadian intel website:


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There are a lot of variables & concepts ignored so your analysis & many other commentators are ill-informed. There are so many problems with how this data is shown & how conclusions were made.

Increased rules & restrictions decrease cases. Relaxing of rules increases cases. Changes of rules & restrictions, changing seasons & lifestyle, changing vax rate over time, case rates from previous days/wk ALL affect rates for future days.

Understand what the denominators should be & show rates relative to the populations being drawn from. The hospitalisation & death rates are affected by age distribution. Low vax rate at start of recent NSW delta outbreak with vs current high vax rate (case now much lower than the earlier peak). Now NSW & Vic has relaxed rules ofcourse cases don't drop to 0 in a week.

Yes, we've had corona viruses before. Yes, we do have SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID19. No country would waste this much lost GDP & debt on a hoax.

The needle is so small, you can't deliver any tagging. If you've seen the relative size of a pet tag (chip) you would understand the difference. Please check the facts with experts not conspiracy theorists.

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You mean like Florida and Texas who have some of the lowest covid rates in the nation right now. Natural immunity. What a concept.

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“…that can promote the evolution of more virulent pathogens as we have seen with the rise of the Delta variant coinciding with the roll out of these covid shots”

Another prominent substack writer claimed they can prove via the sequenced virus’ “molecular clock” that Delta predated the vaccine rollout, have you looked into this? I’m not denying the evolutionary pressure vaccines add, but perhaps it detracts from your argument to indirectly claim the rollout caused Delta.

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Delta arrived from India (Dec 2020). That seemed to happen a bit after some trials of a local vaccine, Covaxin (whole virion inactivated COVID-19). An ineffective vaccine can create mutants. That also may account for Delta+ now in the UK.

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Delta may very well have been a natural variant as it isn’t uncommon for a virus to mutate to become more transmissible and less lethal. I believe viruses tend to do this to have a symbiotic relationship with the host, because if the virus eliminates the host it eliminates its own survival.

Coronaviruses are an example of this mutation for survival which is why the usual circulating “common cold” doesn’t normally lead to death.

The leaky vaccine rollout has proven the ability of Delta to infect vaccinated people who only have Alpha spike protein antibodies. Delta has also infected the unvaccinated and immune-naive as it burns through this population (more transmission/less lethality).

If you review the UK public health data, the IFR of unvaccinated is lower than IFR of vaccinated. Delta essentially proves the ineffectiveness of the shots and the effectiveness of the human immune system.

The nucleocapsid antibodies developed by infection-recovered unvaccinated persons are currently more robust at preventing severe disease and I think this will continue when exposed to future variants.

Those who are vaccinated are proving to have waning protection, depleted macrophage immune response elicited by the shots, and adverse reactions including death by injection.

I believe this is what is transpiring which is why it is in our best interest to discontinue the forced vaccinations, boosters and especially the mass vaccination of children. FDA panelists admitted children are at extremely low risk of severe disease/mortality. Vaccinating this population certainly isn’t scientifically based. Honestly nothing about Covid-19 and the vaccinations are proving to be scientifically based.

In response to your above reply regarding the timing of the vaccine rollout causing Delta, let’s consider the natural progression of this virus in 2020. The above graphs show a pattern of the seasonal effects of contagion of this novel virus. As we know, the “powers that be” are propagandists of the C-19 narrative. I’m certain they are aware of the seasonal pattern of the virus evolving also. Look at the Florida, Georgia and South Carolina graphs. These states had a significant increase in vaccination during the late summer 2021 peak of delta. The Pfizer propaganda team uses the normal novel virus cycle to sell their product which ultimately harms the consumer of their product. This is what I see. The Globalist Cabal is at work as Joe Van Steenbergen stated above.

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Consider who is NOT mandated to receive the injections. They wear masks and virtue signal in public, yet they know the cloth and surgical masks are ineffective. They know they aren’t being protected with the masks. If the vaccines were causing variants that would harm the infection-recovered unvaccinated, then they would be living in fear as well and they would immediately halt the vaccine campaign. That isn’t happening is it?

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