Winter Coronavirus Season and the Pandemic of the Untreated
If the goal is to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, why haven't the NIH, CDC, or any major medical institution published a single covid-19 outpatient treatment protocol?
Coronaviruses are seasonal viruses and the northern hemisphere is entering the winter season where covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are likely to surge. This virus seasonality is due to changes in human behavior, temperature, humidity, ventilation, UV sunlight, and vitamin D levels. How people interact and where they interact change in different regions throughout the spring, summer, fall, and winter. This seasonality causes covid-19 to surge during the hot summers in the south and to peak during the cold winters in the north.
In July 2021, a team from the University of Pittsburgh put out a study showing that differentiating between regions in North America reveals this seasonal pattern. By analyzing daily covid-19 case data across the continental United States in comparison to seasonal temperature change patterns, they were able to show that covid-19 cases swept across the United States in three distinct wave patterns that have so far repeated in 2021: the first one starting in the north east during the spring, the second beginning in the south during the summer, and the third sweeping across the north in the fall, until, finally peaking during the coldest months of the year in December and January.
At this point, it is an established fact that the covid-19 vaccines do not stop the spread of covid-19. More than 40 places around the world have had their worst outbreaks after the introduction of these covid shots. For example, since the summer, the majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from the delta variant have occurred in the fully vaccinated in the United Kingdom. Therefore, regardless if a person is vaccinated or unvaccinated, the key to saving as many lives as possible this winter will be early treatment with safe and effective multi-drug treatment protocols. This isn’t rocket science. Conventional wisdom has always been to treat viral infections early. Dr. Marty Makary, a Professor of Medicine at John Hopkins University, recently pointed to the fact that the mainstream narrative’s obsession with vaccination has led to many doctors ignoring effective treatment options.

Dr. Brian Tyson, a frontline physician from California’s Imperial Valley cites early treatment as the reason for success with 6,000 covid patients. “We started seeing inflammation, so we used anti-inflammatories,” Dr. Tyson explains. “We saw blood clots, so we used anti-coagulants. We saw patients having trouble breathing, so we used asthma medications… It wasn't just one drug. It was the art of what we see and how those patients responded to what we gave them.” In Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s newly released bestseller, he writes, “Dr. Fauci adopted this unprecedented protocol of telling doctors to let patients diagnosed with a positive COVID test go home, untreated—leaving them in terror, and spreading the disease—until breathing difficulties forced their return to hospitals. There they faced two deadly remedies: remdesivir and ventilators.”
Despite all of the evidence of the effectiveness of early treatment against viruses including covid-19, the CDC, NIH, and all major medical institutions still have not published an outpatient treatment protocol, and refuse to provide any treatment to covid patients until their oxygen levels drop so low, that they are forced into hospitals. When covid patients enter hospitals, Dr. Fauci, continues to promote the highly toxic and ineffective drug remdesivir. Study after study has shown that remdesivir is not only ineffective, but it has terrible side effects, including renal and liver failure. Even the World Health Organization recommended against the use of remdesivir in November 2020, yet it is still widely used in hospitals across the United States in November 2021.

To make matters worse, medical institutions and regulators have been so captivated by the pharmaceutical industry’s “pro-vaccine, anti-treatment” narrative that medical licensing boards are actively hunting physicians who are providing early treatment to covid-19 patients. That’s why 13,000 physicians and scientists recently signed the “Rome Declaration” accusing policymakers of crimes against humanity for interfering with their ability to treat patients. Robert F. Kennedy Jr discusses this suppression of early treatment in his new best-seller:
“Leading doctors and scientists, including some of the nation’s most highly published and experienced physicians and front-line COVID specialists like McCullough, Kory, Ryan Cole, David Brownstein, and Risch believe that Dr. Fauci’s suppression of early treatment and off-patent remedies was responsible for up to 80 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID. All five doctors independently told me the same thing. The relentless malpractice of deliberately withholding early effective COVID treatments, of forcing the use of toxic remdesivir, may have unnecessarily killed up to 500,000 Americans in hospitals.”
One of those physicians, Dr. Peter McCullough, who is the most published physician in history in the field of kidney disease related to heart disease, testified in March 2021 at the Texas Senate. “Where is the focus? There is such a focus on the vaccine,” McCullough said. “Where is the focus on people sick right now? This committee ought to know where all these monoclonal antibodies are. They ought to know where all the treatment protocols are. They ought to have a list of all of the treatment centers that treat covid-19.”
It is eight months after Dr. McCullough’s testimony and covid cases are on course to be the worst winter yet in North America. The CDC, NIH, and every major medical institution still refuse to provide early outpatient treatment protocols for covid-19 patients. Because Anthony Fauci and our medical institutions refuse to treat patients, hundreds of doctors from around the country have stepped in to fill the gap, and now offer telemedicine services for covid-19 treatment. As we enter this winter season, one simple solution is for the elderly and the at-risk to find a doctor, locate a pharmacy, and stock up on medication in advance through these telemedicine services. Considering almost half of US covid-19 deaths were in nursing homes, another life-saving precaution would be to set up monoclonal antibodies and other treatment options for friends and family in senior facilities.
It is also possible to load up on nutraceuticals in advance—vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc, and quercetin—are all available over the counter. Nearly 60 percent of patients with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient upon hospitalization. Quercetin is an ionophore meaning that it facilitates zinc uptake in the cells. Zinc has repeatedly proven its efficacy against coronaviruses in study after study over the decades. The key is early treatment so make sure that you have your preventative nutraceuticals and prescribed medications ready to go: flccc, aflds, myfreedoctor, and zstack. You cannot count on the big pharma controlled modern American medical system, but you can stock up now for December and January via one of these telemedicine services, and your decision to do so could save the life of a loved one.
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Horowitz: Remdesivir is the Greatest Scandal of the Pandemic: In the study, Fauci cited when he announced remdesivir as the standard of care, sixty percent reported adverse events and twenty-three percent reported serious adverse advents. The WHO recommends against using it after its Solidarity trial found “little or no effect of remdesivir on mortality." Well over a year after it has become abundantly clear that this drug only causes harm and does not save a single life, not a single hospital has stopped using it. Read More.
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Pithy perfection!! Content filled with great links. Everything I have come to expect from you as a researcher and writer. 🙏🏽❤️🌺
Just found this substack and your work. Thank you. courtesy of Childers at coffee and covid. The rome declaration is the way to go. There is civil and criminal penalties that eventually will be meted out to the guilty. Fauci has the deaths of thousands on his hands. Its a complete scandal /crime that no one in the mainstream medical groups has published early Out patient treatment protocols or vigorously advocated for early treatment.